Star Wars Fanon
Before the Republic eraOld Republic eraRise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Jedi Order era

Zargayusism was a religion started on Cilwelli by a Cilwellian philosopher named Zargayus. It was the state religion of the Holy Cilwellian Empire and would dominate Cilwellian culture for centuries. The religion was based on the idea that suffering was a natural part of life and must therefore be embraced. Furthermore, Zargayusism taught that if one was faithful in the embrace of suffering he or she would live in eternal paradise.

In Zargayusism, there were two central deities, Graef and Hayweh. These two beings were said to be contrasting forces in the universe. Hayweh was said to be responsible for all that was good and pleasant. While Graef was said to be the cause of all suffering and pain. According to legend, Graef and Hayweh cast lots to see who would be given the right to create the universe. Graef won and created a world filled with pain and misery.

However, the legend says that Hayweh still created another world that was filled with peace and happiness. To avoid a potentially catastrophic war, the two gods were said to have made a deal. First, mortals would live in Graef's world and if they had suffered enough they would then live in Hayweh's world.



The religion was started by a Cilwellian named Yur'mori. Yur'mori was a prince of the Aulsur clan and cousin the Cilwellian emperor, Dezlar Omus. For the first few years of his life, Yur'mori lived a sheltered and privileged life. However, after hearing the great death caused by the Cilwellian invasion of Hustia, he become troubled over all the hardship in the world. Therefore, he went into Cilwelli's wilderness in a self-imposed exile.

After forty years of isolation, Yur'mori claimed to see a vision while at a desert oasis. In the vision, he claimed to have seen the formation of the universe and the reasoning behind life. Filled with vigor, Yur'mori left the wilderness and returned to his hometown where he told everyone about his new teachings. He promoted a concept which became known as the Zargayus Doctrine. The Doctrine stated that every person had but one duty in life and that the only way they could be happy was to preform that duty. Yur'mori's followers began to call him Zargayus, or the Enlighten One.


Zargayus, the founder of Zargayusism

While some flocked to him, many rejected Zargayus' teachings. The city elders, included Zargayus' own family, thought that he was mad and dangerous. Therefore, they drove him out of the city. However, just a few days after he had be thrown out, Zargayus returned to his home city and continued to preach. Enraged, the village elders sent assassins to kill Zargayus. But, one of his followers warned Zargayus and he escaped.

Despite these set backs, Zargayus found an ally in Dezlar Omus, his cousin and Great Aulsur of the Holy Cilwellian Empire. Though Omus very officially converted to Zargayusism, he was offended by the fact that his cousin was being mistreated. So, the king gave Zargayus a home and an army of three hundred men.

When Zargayus' enemies heard of this, they were outraged. They began putting political pressure on Omus. Moreover, the sent bounty hunters to kill Zargayus once and for all. However, the assassins were killed by Zargayus' guards. Feeling that he could not continue his "life quest" as long as his former friends and family were out to get him, Zargayus rallied his army.

They marched to Zargayus' hometown and attacked the city. They killed the city's watchmen and stormed the main gate. The Zargayusists burnt the houses of their enemies and killed those who resisted. Zargayus marched into the home of his family to confront them. Little was known about the events that took place in the house. Those who survived the conflict that occurred gave out few details. It is known that Zargayus ended up killing his family with what he believed to be the wrath of Graef.

The spread of the religion[]

After the battle at Zargayus' hometown, the religion stayed concentrated in the general area of the city. Zargayus was named lord of the province and was treated like a god. Sometime later the Aulsur, Dezlar Omus, was killed having no living descendents. Therefore, a council was called among all the late king's relatives to decide a replacement. Zargayus attended. During the meeting a gave a rallying speech and convinced the Auslurs to elected him as the new king.

However, not all the Cilwelli were happy with Zargayus. They did not approve of his teachings or his conduct. Therefore, many of the clans broke away from Cilwellian Empire. In response, Zargayus sent out missionaries to attempt to bring the rebellious clans back under the rule of the Holy Empire. These missionaries were moderately successful, bringing hundreds of people into the faith of Zargayusism.
