Star Wars Fanon

The Worlddancers series details the adventures of the Lion Clan, who are sent to other worlds through wormholes scattered across time.


  • Derrik Gavin: A human who is the leader of the Lion Clan. He is very stubborn and strong willed.
  • Ann Gella: A young female twi'lek and Derrik's best friend.
  • Zan Yant: A young Zabrak male and Derrik and Ann's best friend. He is more of a bookish scholar than a fighter.
  • Dezanti Zhug: An outcast from Duros who joined the jedi order to make something of himself.
  • Dar'nala: A young Togruta female who tends to be aggressive in combat. However, when calm, she is a scholar rather than a fighter.
  • Rik Duel: An egotistical Corellian and a bit of a ladies man.
  • Josek Haime: A young Bakuran who cautious and called a scardy cat by the others.
  • Busurra: A Wookiee who was cast out from Kashyyk for fighting with his claws.
  • Ror Ithh: A young Ithorian who enjoys history.
  • Aj Koenes: A Talz who joined the Jedi order for the adventure.
  • Feeven: A Rodian.
  • Sheebla: A female Gungan.
  • Barbo: A male Gran.
  • Mawin: A female Cerean.
  • Kant: A male Mon Calamari
  • Leaft: A male Dug
  • Bish: A male Quarren.
  • Shasa: A female Selkath.
  • Haskit: A female Bothan.