Star Wars Fanon

Wampas were ice creatures that were indigenous to the planet Reach, they rarely killed their prey outright or hunt when they were hungry. Instead, they stunned their prey, hauled the still breathing victims back to their caves, and secured them in the ice for later consumption. Their primary prey were tauntauns.


Cliff wampa[]

The cliff wampa was bioengineered by the Galactic Empire after they saw the destructive capacity wampas had on the Rebels at Hoth. This particular species was used as a sentinel on the Outer Rim planet Gall.

Swamp wampa[]

The swamp wampa on Dromund Kaas may have descended from individuals of the Hoth species who had been genetically altered by Sith.

Forest wampa[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Forest Wampa

Forest wampas were forest creatures indigenous to the planet Reach. Covered with black fur and averaging over two meters in height, their long arms ended in sharp claws that were strong enough to carve layers out of rock. They are believed to have been descended from the wampas that now live on Hoth.

Giant wampa[]


A giant wampa.

A giant wampa variety exists on Hoth, and Reach. This may just represent a long-lived individual, a subspecies, a freak mutation, or a separate species.

Other species of note[]

While having no relation to other wampas, a desert wampa, also known as a "Tatooine Howler", is covered in hair and bears tusks similar to a wampa. It is often mistaken for a relative of the wampa and as a result is named after it.



Non-canon appearances[]
