Star Wars Fanon

Vendaxa was one of the three planets that orbited the Vendaxa star.

Nemoidian farmers[]

Greedy Nemoidian farmers tried to reverse the process of making Heat Oats. They spent exorbitant amounts of money getting their farms ready. When the sweltering heat came, the Heat Oats were ready. However, due to the taste, sales were extremely poor compared to proper Heat Oats. Even now, the machinery was still left untouched, because when the farmers left, they left their tools.


Vendaxa's atmosphere was thin, and so the radiation from the Vendaxa star punched through the atmosphere like a lightsaber through paper.


Vendaxa's former Heat Oat fields were so hot, that any human without proper protection would burn to death in about 60 seconds. However, large volcanic ash clouds sometimes blocked the sunlight, and when they did, many species' come out. Underground, there were large reservoirs of water, which harbored a vast quantity of life.
