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Rise of the Empire era

Udzupra Maenї was an Écparzi Jedi Master who trained T'un and was a member of the Jedi High Council. He was extremely tall for his species.


Born on Écparz in 580 BBY, he was discovered to be strong in the Force as a child by a Jedi Watchman named Bryphosk Turxell who trained him to be a Jedi. The young apprentice never met another Jedi until 567 BBY when they traveled to Achillea to assist another Jedi Watchman in capturing yet another Watchman who had fallen to the Dark Side. The Dark Jedi managed to isolate Udzupra from the two Masters but the apprentice held his own in combat and defeated his foe.

Eventually, Uzupra became a Knight and then a Master of the Order, joining the High Council in 525 BBY. He and his final apprentice, T'un, traveled to Korriban in 512 BBY to defeat a Dark Jedi called the Prince of Korriban. There, they met Exactor and worked with him to capture their target, mistaking him for a protocol droid the entire time. Udzupra was ultimately beheaded by the Prince of Korriban and Exactor killed their foe while T'un was trapped in Ludo Kressh's tomb. Minch and Fin-So-Rowan sensed his death and sent Posko Ri-Vaska to rescue T'un.

