Star Wars Fanon

The Kyri'em Crisis was a Kaminoan, also known as the Kyrian Uprising, was a crisis caused by a blue eyed, menial, and genetically inferior Kaminoan named: Kyri'em, who was driven mentally insane and mad after a near-death brush with Walon Vau's Pet Strill: Lord Mirdalan. It was from this incident that caused Kyri'em to grow mad and insane, where he became obsessed with conducting secret and gruesome experiments on both the fetal and adolescant Fett-clones, in an attempt to create the perfect clone solider. His experiments on the younger clones would lead to the creation of the Kyrian Drone Troopers and the formation of the Kyrian Rebellion, whom Kyri'em would attempt to use his newly created soliders to conqueror Kamino and later, the entire galaxy.

This event will include the Delta Squad, the Null-ARC's Walon Vau, Kal Skirata, Delta-3530 Gohan, and the Kaminoan Warriors, who would all join forces to combat the Kyri'em threat from esculating furthurmore.
