Star Wars Fanon

-arrive on Bespin/Meet Lando

*Millennium Falcon lands*

<Han> Here comes Lando.

<Leia> Are you sure you trust him?

<Han> Don’t worry, Lando and I, we go way back. I definitely trust him as far as I can throw him.

<Leia> And just how far can you throw him?

<Han> Last time I checked, I couldn’t even lift him.

<Leia> *sarcastically* Well, that’s reassuring.

*Group exits Millennium Falcon*

<Lando> You’ve got a lot of nerve, coming here, after what you pulled.

<Han> What did I pull? Are you blaming me for something that’s not my fault again?

<Lando> Just kidding! Got you good, that time, didn’t I? How’re you doing, you old pirate! Good to see you!

<C-3PO> Well, he seems very friendly.

<Leia> *sarcastically* Oh, yeah.

<Lando> So, what brings you here?

<Han> My hydrospanners, for one. We spent a whole hour getting here without the hyperdrive.

<Lando> Your hydrospanners?

<Han> Yes, my hydrospanners. You know, they 26-set I borrowed to you almost 10 years ago.

<Lando> Funny thing about those hydrospanners…

<Han> What’d you do?

<Lando> Those were the krayt dragon pearl-plated ones passed through your family since the formation of the Old Republic, right? The ones given to your ancestors by the very first Supreme Chancellor, right?

<Han> What’d you do?

<Lando> Well, you know Jabba the Hutt, the creepy slug creature who eats bugs?

<Han> Yes…

<Lando> Well, I owed him some money…

<Han> And you gave him the hydrospanners to pay the debt, right?

<Lando> No! I paid the debt off myself. The hydrospanners were for the interest.

<Han> How many years were you in debt to him?

<Lando> Just three days! Here’s a bit of free advice…never borrow money from a Hutt. Their interest rates are horrendous.

<Han> Ok, well, we gotta go, then. I’ve got to head to Tatooine to get my hydrospanners back.

<Lando> No! You can’t go yet. You’ve gotta stay for dinner. My people will fix the hyperdrive, and then instead of taking an hour getting to Tatooine, it’ll take five minutes.

<Han> That sounds good.

-C-3PO dismantled

*3PO stops as he passes door*

<C-3PO> I wonder where this leads.

*Enters room, sees stormtroopers*

<C-3PO> Oh no! Stormtroopers! I must warn the others!

*Exit C-3PO, followed by stormtroopers*