Star Wars Fanon

The Super-Delphiki Starfighter, or "Super-D Starfighter," was the primary fighter of the Hutt fleet during the Second Clone War. It was based on Plasma Current Chip technology, and held a pilot, though it could be programmed to operate without an organic being or pilot Super-D Battle Droid. Just like the original Delphiki Starfighter, the Super-D fighter produced a shield by its plasma currents, though that was not their primary use. The fighter was as different and improved from the Delphiki Starfighter as the Super-D Battle Droid was from the Delphiki Battle Droid.


The Super-D Fighter was equipped with two laser cannons, similar to the ones on the Delphiki Fighter. However, these were uniquely magnified and thus strengthened by Plasma Laser Focus Lenses that Prophit Delphiki’s scientists invented. The laser blasts were magnified from bright yellow to a lower frequency red, though the intensity was multiplied.

The Super-D Starfighter also held two concussion missile launchers, each holding five missiles. These were powered by improved plasma propulsion technology and could maneuver much more efficiently than previous forms, as well as allowing it to travel much further without running out of fuel. These missiles, consequently, were commonly deployed against enemy fighters, which had practically no defense against such weapons. (The Jedi tended to rely on detonating the missile with the Force, as the missiles were much harder to fool than most others.) The laser cannons, which were extremely powerful for a starfighter, were targeted against larger vessels.

The proton bomb idea from the Delphiki Starfighter was discarded due to impracticality and weight issues. Instead of a bomb chute, concussion missiles were relied on as a secondary weapon. Further reasoning that the surplus of Hutt Bombers would supply the demand for such weaponry wiped the proton bomb idea off the drawing board.

Originally, the Super-D Fighters were only armed with the weapons mentioned above. This changed after the Battle of Rhen Var, when Delphiki reestablished the ion cannon idea by hooking up dual ion cannons to the fighters. There were intended to disable shield generators on Justice-class Assault Ships without the painstaking process of destroying them. This proved useful in many space battles throughout the Second Clone War.

Other features[]

One of the most unique parts of the Super-D Starfighter was its engines. Its main engine allowed extreme maneuverability, which was placed on a rotating platform. The rotation could make the engine turn from side to side, meaning the craft could abruptly turn without changing the amount of propulsion in the engines. With this feature, the Super-D Starfighter could turn 90 degrees in a fraction of a second at maximum speed, a maneuver only used when droids pilot it.

Two secondary engines were placed at the back of the craft, each which could apply propulsion in any direction because of its cylindrical shape. These engines allowed the craft to go in reverse very suddenly to evade enemy fighters, a tactic borrowed from X-Wing pilots. The engines also supplied extra boost and allowed the fighter to achieve remarkable speeds.

Another notable feature is the shield generator, which kept the craft well-protected from enemy fire when combined with the automatic shield generated by the ship’s plasma currents. It was much larger than the smaller generators on the original Delphiki Fighter, and was concealed by the cockpit and the rotating engine just behind it. When all systems of the fighter were active, the starfighter could resist fire of impressive magnitude without showing notable damage.

The most noteworthy feature of the ship was the cockpit, however. The cockpit had a unique targeting system, which used plasma currents to magnetically locate foreign objects. Delphiki discovered that accelerated plasma would react and show different properties with great predictability, once analyzed. The targeting system turned out to be very accurate and made the starfighter as a whole truly formidable.


The Super-D Starfighter was created as an improvement to the original Delphiki Starfighter, which opened in the Hutt market just after the Hutts purchased thousands of Super-D Battle Droids. The Super-D Starfighters, showing infinite improvement to the prototype vehicles, were eagerly bought out by the Hutts.

The Super-D fighters replaced their predecessors very quickly, and were feared by the New Republic forces when the Condorians triggered the Second Clone War. Super-D Starfighters became the main starfighter of the Hutt fleet, and proved to be the best mass-produced craft owned by the Hutts as a whole.

After the Battle of Rhen Var, the Super-D Starfighters received modifications to include two ion cannons for targeting capital ships’ large components.

Behind the scenes[]

Though the article was created by C3PO the Dragon Slayer, the Super-D Starfighter LEGO design was created by user:I really love yoda.

The Super-D Starfighter LEGO design is fragile, so it breaks many times. When large breaks occur, the design changes slightly. The concept of a Super-D Starfighter was only introduced in the last-minute process of the writing of the Second Clone War series.
