Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

Shira Elan Colla Brie was a Force-sensitive Human female born on Coruscant during the height of Galactic Emperor Palpatine's reign over the majority of the galaxy.


Lumiya revealed[]


Lumiya remained in her cabin on board the Anakin Solo and was soon unsettled by a disturbance in the Force that was the approach of Ben Skywalker, who had returned from his mission at the helm of an ancient Sith Meditation Sphere. The vehicle, which had searched for Solo, had instead found Lumiya—whom it recognized as Sith—and came to for instructions. Lumiya felt that it was somehow intertwined with her apprentice's destiny and offered it to him, despite her own fascination with the Sphere, or simply "Ship," as it preferred to be called. Although the Force suggested the vessel's insignificance in her own future, Lumiya kept it pursuant to Solo's refusal and silently vowed to look after the craft until which time he was ready for it. Immediate haste was made from the Anakin Solo for her asteroid retreat, and Lumiya quickly noticed Alema Rar fast on her tail. She did nothing to deter the insane Twi'lek's pursuit as the Meditation Sphere approached the Home, and grudgingly allowed Rar entry but also refused her safe haven. Rar, who had nurtured an obsession with revenge against the Solo–Skywalker clan, planned to work alongside Jacen, but was sternly rebuked under penalty of death by Lumiya. The Dark Lady would not chance potential disaster wrought by Rar's madness with Solo's ascendancy nigh at hand, and channeled the Dark Jedi's reckless abandon into something useful: surveillance on the Colonel's activities in Lumiya's stead. She confiscated Rar's easily-recognizable Conqueror-class assault ship and gave the Twi'lek a less conspicuous courier shuttle, with instructions to first track the Anakin Solo.

Jacen Solo's relentless campaigns against the Confederation left his forces vastly depleted, and he faced numerous obstacles in his bids for replenished resources. To circumvent the red tape, Solo drafted an amendment to a procurement regulation that eliminated the hindrances he so often encountered. He also capitalized on an opportunity to attach a more insidious amendment to the original one which allowed him to bypass the Galactic Senate if ever he or Admiral Niathal felt the need to change any legislation within existing budgets, quickly and decisively. Anonymity was required on his part, and Lumiya went to the Senate meeting in his place, to make certain that number 357 on the 563-item agenda passed without issue. She received a silent comlink from him, and gave her assurance that everything was proceeding as planned. Via that same open connection, Lumiya was privy to a conversation between the Colonel and Mara Jade Skywalker, the latter of whom confronted Solo about Lumiya's proven involvement with GAG. From the meeting she also learned that Ben Skywalker defeated Byalfin Dyur, whom she suspected to hear from soon, and unfavorably. Upon Mara Jade's departure, Lumiya related her conclusion that Ben Skywalker was definitely unfit to eventually succeed Solo as Lord of the Sith. At that moment, a sentient's rights advocate interrupted the procurement council meeting to address one part of Solo's amendment, but failed to notice the subtle wording he secretly implemented that would allow him to change other legislation. When the potential for opposition in the gallery manifested, Lumiya put it down, and the amendment passed. Unbeknownst to the members of the Senate, Solo planned to seize control of the Galactic Alliance with his newfound legislative power.

A prime opportunity presented itself when GAG intelligence officers inadvertently intercepted a secret conversation between Chief of State Cal Omas and Corellian President Dur Gejjen, during which they agreed to meet personally on the planet Vulpter and plan the assassinations of Colonel Solo and Admiral Niathal. In response, Solo drafted an amendment to the part of the Emergency Measures Act which granted him the authority to detain anyone who posed a valid risk to the sanctity of the Galactic Alliance, to include Heads of State. With Niathal as his co-conspirator, Solo planned to arrest Omas on exactly those charges, and prior to his ascension to Dark Lord of the Sith—much to Lumiya's chagrin. She cautioned him against the haste of his decision, as she believed that he had not yet achieved the necessary power to rule undisputed. In the interim, Lumiya agreed to act as a distraction to the Jedi from Solo's next few moves and requested an item of young Skywalker's with which to antagonize his parents. She was given a pair of his boots, and at four that next morning, sneaked into the quarters of a sleeping Luke Skywalker to plant the evidence. Skywalker sensed her moments after her departure, utterly bewildered by Lumiya's apparently uninhibited access to his son. He contacted his wife and together they made conscious efforts to find and eliminate Lumiya. A powerful wake in the Force led Jade Skywalker to Hesperidium, a resort moon in Coruscant's orbit, and into direct confrontation with the Dark Lady of the Sith. They fought furiously, and when Lumiya was positioned to receive a killing stroke, the Sith Meditation Sphere she had traveled on intervened and throttled Jade Skywalker. Lumiya escaped with serious injury, leaving her mutually battered opponent unfinished, but utterly determined to continue pursuit.

Immediately following the meeting between Omas and Gejjen on Vulpter, the latter was assassinated by Ben Skywalker under orders of Jacen Solo. Upon the Chief of State's return to Coruscant and on the same night his amendment became law, Jacen Solo personally arrested Cal Omas for suspicion of intended malice against the Galactic Alliance. He and Niathal then declared themselves Joint Chief of State, to serve for the duration of the investigation into Omas' treason. Fully healed from the wounds suffered in her bout with Mara Jade Skywalker, Lumiya returned to Coruscant on board the Meditation Sphere, which she hid in an abandoned warehouse, and met with Solo to discuss the implications of the recent attempts to distract the Jedi, a conversation which was secretly overheard by Ben Skywalker. Her next meeting with Solo was in his apartment, where they again mulled over the final stage of his transition, the immortalizing of his love. Lumiya had begun to feel like the Force was brimming for a change, and had become increasingly disturbed by Solo's predilection with the maneuverings of non Force-users. The Colonel's recent campaigns had left him exhausted, and Lumiya agreed to keep watch over Admiral Niathal while he took an undisturbed, forty-eight hour sabbatical. After his departure, Lumiya explored the apartment for a time before she too left and returned to the Meditation Sphere, with intentions of following her apprentice on his secret journey. An eighteen-hour venture through the Perlemian Trade Route eventually ended in the Hapes Cluster, and Lumiya remained in orbit as Solo landed at the Fountain Palace of the namesake planet. Submersed in meditation, she was suddenly smitten through the Force with an outpouring of intense love, and she realized that the emotion had originated from Solo. The Sith Mistress deduced, much to her dismay, that he had gone to Hapes to be with his lover, Tenel Ka. Even more disturbing was the revelation that Solo had two loves on Hapes—the second being a lovechild illegitimately conceived with the Queen Mother.

It had been that same child whom Solo dreaded having to sacrifice, and Lumiya mistakenly believed that he had come to Hapes for said purpose. Actually, he had only come to spend time with his secret family. Upon his departure from Hapes, however, Solo's StealthX was attacked by another with Mara Jade Skywalker at the helm, who had recently confronted him about his descent into darkness. Lumiya intervened just then and, with a command to Ship, caused a hull-breach in Skywalker's StealthX. Battle had carried the combatants to orbit over the nearby planet Kavan, where Jade Skywalker's starfighter was forced planetside as it vented atmosphere. Lumiya assured Solo that she would make certain his business on Hapes stayed unknown and was answered with eight proton torpedoes locked and closing in on the Meditation Sphere. Ship, however, would not abide the treachery of the Dark Lord-to-be. As Solo sped after Mara Jade Skywalker, the vessel prepared to retaliate despite Lumiya's countermand, but was stayed by the dissuasion of Ben Skywalker, who had covertly joined in his mother's pursuit. Rendered helpless by the insubordination of Ship in favor of the boy's orders, Lumiya was forced to the surface of Kavan and held captive within the Meditation Sphere, unable to join in the hunt for his mother. It was not long, however before Lumiya felt the Jedi Master's death, accompanied by a subtle yet telling shift in the Force: Solo's sacrifice had been made at Mara Jade Skywalker's expense. Ben Skywalker's hold over Ship was immediately broken, and Lumiya, with a new serenity about her, commanded the Sphere to find the new Dark Lord of the Sith. They met on Ziost, where Lumiya gave Solo instructions on how to proceed. She offered to serve as one last distraction from his total consolidation of power by misrepresenting herself as Mara Jade Skywalker's killer, in full acceptance of the certainty of her own demise at the hand of Luke Skywalker, and made a return journey to Hapan space. With her Force-presence no longer hidden, he soon found Lumiya and forced her to land on the nearby planet Terephon. She removed her veil as she emerged from Ship, and with the little left to say to one another exhausted, the Dark Lady of the Sith and Jedi Grand Master dueled for a final time. Lumiya was quickly forced onto the defensive as Skywalker drove her ever closer to the edge of the precipice on which they fought. When she lost her footing and fell, dropping her lightwhip into the chasm in the process, Skywalker saved her.

As Skywalker placed Lumiya on a flat rock, she was concerned how Luke would truly save her life after all she's did as a Sith Lord. Lumiya believed it was a trick since Luke was willing to kill her for Mara Jade's death. Badly injured from her fight, she taunted Skywalker to kill her since her life as a Sith has ended, and Darth Caedus would taker her place as ruler of the Sith. Luke refused since her face reminded her of Mara and avenging someone would never solve anything. He smiled at her, and remembered the time how she kissed him. Lumiya started to remember, and felt a little sorrow within her. Luke sensed the good in her, and convinces her to let go the dark side, and pleads her to take her first step towards the light side. Lumiya refused since she believed redemption wouldn't save her, but Luke tells her truth that if a dark-sider has given up, and the dark side has weakened, the user would finally submit to the light side. Finally, Lumiya was able to redeem herself, and returns to Shira Brie. Shira was pleased, but she decided to die for everything she's done, and pleaded Luke to give her an honorable death. Luke refused since he doesn't want her die like Anakin did. Shira told him that if she lives, then the past would haunt her, and the Sith will grow even worse throughout the galaxy. She promised that she will always be with him as a true friend after she dies. Tears ran down his eyes, and Luke gave her an honorable death. As she closes her eyes to await death, Luke stabs her with his lightsaber, and later decapitates since its revealed that he had a vision that the Sith would resurrect her. After her death, Luke took Shira's body to the Mustafar system and dumped her body into the lava. He also threw the wrapped head as well. Luke felt disappointed for himself, but the spirits of Anakin and Shira promised that they would always be with him.
