Star Wars Fanon

The Second Battle of Yestarf was the battle that marked the end of the Eloquian Civil War.

The battle[]


Yestarf was rebuilding from the first attack that had come upon it. The nation of Gusevy had already decimated several of the buildings, and their superior armies had killed thousands of Feyr soldiers. Gusevy forces had finally retreated when the Feyr nation began bombarding them with small radi-nuclear explosives. These explosives were packed with high levels of nuclear particles and radioactive particles as well.

Gusevy forces came in on their war machines and aerofighters. Blasting away at the walls of Feyr, they completely decimated the terrain. The armies of Feyr dropped dead quickly from the tons of debris and falling wrecks of their buildings and capital.

The battle continues[]

As the battle continued, Gusevy forces marched through the town, destroying hundreds of buildings, thousands of enemies, and most of the capital. The capital was left in ruins by the time the battle would come to a close.

Feyr surrenders[]

The Dictator came out of hiding, declaring Gusevy the victor. The Feyr nation disposed of their weapons, and the Dictator was stripped of his rank and powers. Several army groups of the Feyr nation remained, but they were all but obliterated by the end of the year.

Gusevy took over many parts of Feyr, and the destruction of their horrible Communist government marked the end of the war, and the beginning of peace.
