Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

The Odeinian Rebellion was a rebel faction of Clone Troopers, who all followed CC-4135 Oden in his cause and uprising against their masters and creators on Kamino in Tipoca City.


By 27 BBY, fed up and disgusted with their Kaminoan masters and creators arrogance and indifference attitude toward the "processing method" treatment done on many of their "Fett-clone bred brothers" that did not meet their exacting standards, Oden secretly began rallying several thousands of his Fett-brothers who were labeled for reconditioning, reassignment, or termination by the Kaminoans, to his cause to rebel against their Kaminoan creators and masters. This eventually forms the Odeinian Rebellion, whom the clone troopers that agreed to follow Oden, came up with the name to their rebellious cause, and believed it to be fitting, that their cause be named after their leader.

The Odeinian clones, lead by Oden were nearly eliminated during their uprising attack on the Kaminoans and their warriors in Tipoca City, leaving only 74 Odeinian clones alive. Oden and his 74 Odeinian brothers were captured and were about to be executed. Luckily, through the efforts of Taun We and Delta-3530 Gohan, Oden and the 74 Odeinian clones were placed in stasis until the Kaminoans could decide whether to terminate them or preserve them for further study.

Formation Of The Odeinian Rebellion[]

A week after the uprising, a Clone Handmaiden named: Hannah Bagwa who on Jiraiya Uzukariya's orders, was deployed to Kamino to save Oden and his Odeinian clones from being killed by the Kaminoans, and arranged a bargaining deal with Lama Su to buy Oden and the 74 Odeinian clones their freedom, as well as a cloning station where the Odeinian clones could remain there. It was at the Jaron Wu station, that the formation and declaration of the Odeinian Rebellion was established.

Jaron Wu would serve as an independent Kaminoan cloning station under the control of the Odeinian Rebels, where the surviving 74 Odeinian clones began cloning and training new Odeinian clones to their cause. With Hannah Bagwa's financial services, Oden and Hannah arranged another bargaining deal with Lama Su: in exchange for a considerable amount of payment, Lama Su agreed that any "Fett-bred clones" training to be in the Republic Army that did not meet the Kaminoan's exacting standards, and were labeled for reconditioning, reassignment, or termination, would be permanently transferred to Jaron Wu and placed under the jurisdiction of the Odeinian Rebels.

Delta-3530's 353rd Legion[]

As gratitude for Gohan's assistance in protecting him and his Odeinian brothers, Gohan was allowed to visit Jaron Wu as well as providing "ARC-training" to the new Odeinian clones undergoing training there. Oden also agreed to give Gohan a legion of Odeinian clones, whom Gohan called: the 353rd Legion, all of whom, were genetically modified by the Oden and his Odeinian Science Officers, to be loyal to Gohan only and would only take orders from him. Gohan would then train his 353rd Legion with "ARC-skills". Oden would later provide his services to supply several more Odeinian clone battalions to Commander Conan, Commander Alpha-12, Lieutenant Goten, and several dozen more "Fett-brother clones" who needed his help.

Integration Into The Clone Wars[]

Less than two months in the Clone Wars, Lama Su recruited and integrated the Odeinian clones, along with the Kyrian Drones, Alpha-ARC's, and Delta-ARC's as a part of a planetary task force with the Jedi and Republic, to protect Kamino and its cloning facilities from a Separatist invasion.

After the success of holding Kamino, the Odeinian clones were integrated into the Republic army, operating as a private black-ops unit.
