Star Wars Fanon

Nin was an ancient Jedi Master of unknown origin who served in the Jedi Order during the last centuries of the Old Republic and served on the Jedi Council and the master of Thame Cerulian. He was a vocal opponent of the Jedi Order's alliance with tyrannical Supreme Chancellor Signet Mezzileen but he did he best to try and end the numerous protests peacefully. When Mezzileen ordered the arrest of all the Jedi and beseiged the Jedi Temple, Nin joined the battle against the Republic and was a leading member of the Jedi Coalition that was formed to combat Mezzileen.


The Beginning of a War[]

Nin had come to the Jedi Order late in life and would normally have been refused admittance but as he was the first member of his species known to be force-sensitive, the Jedi allowed him to train. He soon overcame the mistrust that he recieved at first and progressed through the ranks of the Jedi to serve on the Jedi Council. When Signet Mezzileen began to seize complete control of the Republic, Nin tried to urge the Jedi to move against him but by the time the Jedi decided to act, Mezzileen was too strong. Under protest, Nin agreed with Yoda's proposal to help Mezzileen keep order, and help resolve issues peacefully rather then allow Mezzileen's police to continue to massacre any dissidents.

However, this relationship became strained when a series of riots organised by the Democratic Republican Party erupted on Coruscant and Nin and his apprentice Thame Cerulian did their best to stop it erupting into violence but Mezzileen's police moved in and shot down many rioters. This was followed by hundreds of arrest across Coruscant and Yoda finally decided to act and he led a group of Jedi, including Nin, to meet with Mezzileen. However, Mezzileen refused to listen to the Jedi's protests and ordered their arrest and they had to fight their way back to the Jedi Temple which soon fell under siege.

While Yoda organised the evacuation of the Jedi, Nin led the defense of the Temple and along with his apprentice and other Jedi, repelled three assaults by Republic troops before withdrawing to their fighters and providing cover for the Jedi transports as they fled Coruscant and headed for their main academy on Ossus. However, Ossus soon came under attack from Republic troops and Nin argued for the Jedi to try and break out before they were all killed. By the time Yoda agreed to this, the blockade was broken by an alliance assembled by Arf Fey'lya, which then joined with the Jedi in a coalition against Mezzileen.

Leading the Fight[]

As the war progressed, Nin was present at a Coalition meeting above Naboo, which was ambushed by Republic forces. During the battle Thame sensed the presense of the witch Ugra, who was guiding the Republic fleet, and Nin confirmed it and went to speak to Yoda. Yoda devised a plan, ordering the Coalition fleet to scatter and Nin accompanied a force led by Persus Valorum and supplied cover for him during the Battle of Rugosa.

As Valorum's force made a last stand in the Vergesso Asteroids, Nin and Thame boarded the enemy flagship and confronted Ugra. Despite his years of experience, Nin was unable to break through her defenses and he and Thame were soon finding themselves under attack. However, Yoda's reinforcements arrives and bombarded the Republic flagship and Ugra withdrew, allowing the two Jedi to escape and rejoin the victorious Coalition forces.

Nin and Thame were then tasked with accompaning Arf Fey'lya to Bothan Space and protect him while he tried to convince the Bothans to change sides. The original infiltration went well and Arf met his uncle Lar Fey'lya who agreed to let him speak with the Bothan Council, but after the meeting they were attacked by Bothan security forces loyal to Council leader Vy Hu'ro and they had to fight their way out. Arf was convinced that his uncle had betrayed them and he persuaded the Jedi to help him infiltrate Lar's palace. The two Jedi helped Arf sneak past Lar's security and they confronted him in his chambers. Arf attempted to strangle his uncle but Nin sensed no malice from him and prevented his death after which Lar was able to persuade his nephew of his innocence.

Lar told Arf of a secret tunnel to the Council chambers on Bothawui that would get them there safely and Arf agreed to travel that route as long as Lar accompanied them. The group travelled to Bothawui in Lar's shuttle and entered the tunnels but they were ambushed by troops loyal to Hu'ro and in the firefight Lar was killed. The Jedi captured the ambushers leader, Lar's son Bard, who confessed to Hu'ro's involvement in the attempts on Arf's life. The group escorted him to the Council chambers where Bard told the Councillors what had happened and in their rage the Councillors expelled Hu'ro as their leader.

However, Hu'ro called in his Republic allies who attempted to murder the Councillors but the Jedi and Arf helped them escape down the tunnels. They led them to Kothlis where Arf rallied the planet's Bothans against Hu'ro fleet, which attacked the planet. Nin helped in the defense of the planet and between the valiant defense and the arrival of Coalition reinforcements, Hu'ro's forces were defeated. Hu'ro and all forces loyal to him were driven from Bothawui following this defeat and the Bothans joined the Coalition with Arf as its leader.


Later that year Nin and Thame were tasked with freeing the imprisoned Merix Valorum from his imprisonment on Coruscant. To this end Nin assembled a team and contacted an old friend, smuggler Hena Glotz, to help them infiltrate the Republic capital. The infiltration was only partially successful and although they reached the landing point, Ugra had senses their arrival and Republic troops soon attacked the hanger where they had landed. Nin sent Thame and half the force with glotz to divert troops away from him while he led the others to free Valorum.

Nin and his team were able to battle through the Republic troops and Nin, sensing that Thame and his forces had become bogged down, sent half of his remaining troops to reinforce them while he led his few remaining forces to free Valorum. Nin and his team were able to get the drop on Valorum's guards and they were soon fleeing across the planet's walkways but with Republic forces following their every step. Nin decided to try and escape through the undercity but as they headed they found that route was blocked off by Ugra. Nin engaged the Dark Lady in battle while his team tried to find another escapr route but they were surrounded by Republic forces.

However Thame and his team had been able to escape the Republic forces assaulting them and they blasted a way through to Nin's team in Glotz's ship. Nin then decided to sacrifice himself and he launched a desperate attack on Ugra that left him open to a killing stroke. However Ugra left him alive but incapacitated him with a terrible wound to the chest but the rest of the team were able to escape, although Valorum was wounded by Ugra and barely survived. Nin was presented to Signet Mezzileen as compensation for Valorum's escaoe and although Mezzileen ordered his death, Ugra spared him declaring that she wanted him alive.

Held in prison for over a year, Nin was eventually taken to the shipyards of Kuat, where Ugra was preparing to defend against an imminent Coalition attack. When Coalition forces stormed the shipyards, Nin found himself under guard as Ugra prepared for Thame's arrival. Nin could only watch as Ugra attempted to turn Thame to the dark side but the young Jedi was able to resist her and used his lightsaber to cut down Nin's guards, even as Ugra cut his chest and left him badly wounded. However Nin had managed to free himself and he engaged Ugra but in his weakened state he was struggling to defeat her, but he opened himself to the force and was able to gain mastery over the light side and he cut Ugra in half. With Ugra dead and the battle won, Nin made sure that Thame recovered from his wounds and took his rightful place on the Jedi Council and was able to watch his apprentice ascend to Knighthood at the war's end.
