Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

Myar Tesc was a Jedi Knight and the illegitimate son of two Corellian mobsters. Tesc led the 565th Legion during the Clone Wars, and would go on to survive the Great Jedi Purge, organizing a small resistance against the Galactic Empire with several other survivors.


Early Life[]

Myar was born to Corellian mobster Borra Kilven while she was smuggling spice on the world of Ord Mantell in 44 BBY, the result of an affair between Kilven and rival Selott family mobster Arndel Torvat. Torvat, a married man whose reputation could have been destroyed had word gotten out that he had slept with a woman from a rival family, Torvat cut all ties with his mistress, and put out a hit on Kilven and her newborn child's heads. A Devaronian bounty hunter named Grulto Morax quickly tracked down and killed Kilven, but could not bring himself to kill her child. Morax secretly brought Kilven's child to an orphanage on Phorsa Gedd, leaving him there under the false name Myar Tesc, before proceeding to Corellia to claim his reward from Torvat. Unfortunately, Morax's ship had been bugged with tracking and listening devices by Torvat, and when Morax arrived in search of his reward, Torvat killed Morax, then sent his associate, Yolsa Fforr, to retrieve the child from Phorsa Gedd.

However, unbeknownst to Torvat, Yolsa Fforr was in fact Avun Lornall, a Jedi Knight whom had infiltrated the Selott crime family after it was learned that the Selott family might have been providing funding to groups with anti-Republic interests. Initially Lornall was only interested in Kilven's child as a means of discrediting Torvat and destabilizing the Selott family, but this changed when upon finding young Myar, she sensed that the child possessed a strong connection to the Force. Lornall would still use Myar as a means of destabilizing the Selott family, but afterwards she took the child to Coruscant to be brought up as a Jedi.
