Star Wars Fanon
We used to believe that being a good soldier meant doing whatever you were told to do, no matter how bad it may seem. Look where that got everyone.

Metal Squad is a small unit of clone troopers who were part of a group of clones from the 314th Assault Battalion who didn't comply with Order 66, instead choosing to buy enough time for their Jedi General to escape the rest of the clones hunting him. Metal Squad suffered heavy casualties in the following battle, and the five survivors barely escaped alive. They continued to fight the forces of the Empire using guerrilla tactics. The five defiant Clones served under the New Republic after the Galactic Civil War, still wearing their clone trooper armor. They later served in the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances as a Special Forces team, often chosen to execute high risk missions, as they were known for their high skill at arms and for being veterans of several years of countless warfare. However after losing faith in their leaders, seeing as this new Republic had undergone nothing but countless fragmentations and disorder, the squad defected, and joined the Mandalorian Protectors to serve under Boba Fett as mercenaries.

They were also among the few clones, save the sons of Kal Skirata, who managed to obtain data from the Kaminoans to stop their rapid aging process, ensuring they would live normal lives. One of the members of Metal Squad, Riker, even met a woman on Corruscant, Lira Jayn, who he later married. Metal Squad were the only clones in active military service after the years following the Galactic Civil War.

Metal Squad used to be composed of fully ten troopers, but was reduced down to five during Order 66. The current members are Sergeant CT-4792 Stoner, CT-0851 Hopper, CT-7563 Riker, CT-5297 Jester and CT-8963 Fill.


Clone Wars[]

Shipping off

Stoner, Riker, Hopper, Jester and Fill before meeting the rest of the squad

The members of Metal Squad were assigned to the 314th Assault Battalion led by Captain Marco. They were thrust straight into service after their training along with their entire battalion, and sent to the world of Okaza to battle Seperatist forces supporting the planet's resistance fighters terrorizing Republic holds on the planet. Metal Squad was part of several engagements early on in the Okaza War, serving side by side with Captain Marco on most battles, earning the officer's respect for their unquestionable loyalty.

The squad was present during the final battle on Okaza, where the Republic had finally managed to corner the last bits of Seperatist and insurgent forces into a small gorge near an area known as Gzyrkun after eight months of constant battle. Captain Marco personnally lead the company in which Metal Squad was assigned in a charge against the enemy fortifications. Dodging blaster bolts and explosions, three members of Metal Squad went down, but the remainder managed to reach the fortifications and breach the enemy stronghold. Soon, dozens of Clones poured into the enemy base, and quickly overran the insurgents and their Seperatist allies.


Metal Squad prepares to leave for Kulama

After Okaza, the 314th was sent down to the barren desert world Kulama, where they were placed under the direct command of Jedi Knight Vreezan Koln. The Jedi Council had been scouring the ancient Jedi ruins on the planet for weeks, and had caught the attention of Count Dooku, who now had an army of battle droids on the ground, ready to seize the ancient temple. Metal Squad was slightly skeptical about fighting for an old ruin in the middle of nowhere but, as did the rest of the battalion, they carried out their orders nonetheless. The battles that followed were brutal and costly for the 314th. Trench warfare and urban combat in the old Jedi ruins caused many Clones to lose their lives. Metal Squad, already hardened soldiers from the Okaza War, managed to inspire many of the younger and newer Clone Troopers to fight on, and they served as rallying beacon for many other Clones, which was something their Jedi commander grew to admire about them. Knight Koln personally reported their valorous actions to the Senate and the Jedi Council.

After almost a month of fighting, and heavy casualties, the 314th managed to break the droid forces and force them offworld in full retreat. The Clone Troopers chased down several of the retreating battle droids, determined to let as little of them escape as possible. Soon, the deserts around the Jedi ruins were filled with the shattered bodies of hundreds of battle droids. The battle had been costly though. Almost 50% of the entire 314th had been wiped out, and most of the survivor's were wounded, some even critically. A part of those wounded would never make it home. Metal Squad had lost three members, getting off easy compared to most other squads who were utterly wiped out. Metal Squad and Captain Marco entered deeper into the Jedi ruins with Knight Koln, where dark chambers contained pieces of valuable technology that could be used in the war. There were indeed several pieces of dormant Jedi tech found within the ruins that had been locked away for centuries. However, as Marco had his combat engineers inspect the items, it was quickly determined that the majority of them were useless, having exhausted their power supply hundreds of years ago. Nonetheless, finding these ancient ruins caught the interest of the Jedi Council, and ordered Koln to remain on Kulama to examine the ruins. The 314th was also left on the planet to help with the excavation.

Metal Squad continued the rest of it's service on that barren sand-ball, and were assigned as part of the security detail, but doing little more than picking up rocks or scanning for seismic disturbances. Soon, the Clones of the 314th began to call themselves the "Vacation Battalion", feeling that they were utterly useless excavating ruins. Metal Squad leader, Sergeant Stoner, personally asked Marco to request a transfer. Marco willingly complied, but the Senate turned down the offer, claiming that knowing that the Seperatists were interested in the ruins, they could be coming back at anytime, and that protection would be needed for the Jedi tech found inside. Marco quietly expressed his disdain for the order, but complied anyway.

Order 66[]

All combat units! Execute Order 66!
—Captain Marco

In 19 BBY, Palpatine ordered the execution of Order 66, branding all Jedi as traitors to the Republic to be removed by lethal force. Across the galaxy, clone troopers gunned down their commanding Jedi officers, and not even a day later, the elite 501st Legion stormed the Jedi Temple, killing all inside it and effectively destroying the Jedi Order. On Kulama, the situation was almost the same, as Captain Marco received the order from Palpatine, and spread the word across the battalion. At once, all clone troopers in the 314th Assault Battalion abandoned their allegiance to Knight Koln and began closing on his position along with Captain Marco.

At the time, Metal Squad was positioned right next to Koln, and had the chance to easily eliminate the unsuspecting Jedi. However, upon receiving Order 66, the Clones of Metal Squad made the most unsuspecting choice of all: they ignored the order. Metal saw the command as an illegal order, and above that had a firm belief that the Jedi would never betray the Republic. Metal Squad was also accompanied by another unit of Clones, Poker Squad, who they managed to convince that the Jedi were not evil and that Koln's safety had to be assured. Metal and Poker broke the uncomfortable news over to Koln, who was shocked that the troops of the Republic would actually turn against him. 

Poker Squad had suffered heavy losses during the battles with the droid armies on Kulama, and had been reduced to a number of three. The surviving members were Sergeant CT-1238, Kickback, CT-0022, O'Two and CT-8765, Don.


Sergeant CT-1238, Kickback, during Order 66. Kickback proved to be valuable and trustworthy ally

The members of Metal and Poker Squad's set up an ambush for the 314th, while Koln exited the ruins using another exit some engineers had accidentally uncovered earlier. Seeing anything became difficult, as the only lighting was from some red alert lights that the Clones had set up across the temple. Poker and Metal switched to their night vision visors, but even then it was apparently slightly difficult to see anything because of the darkness.

The battle that followed was the most difficult for Metal to endure. Not just because the men they faced knew their tactics, their weapons and how they thought, but because they were clones. They were their brothers. Deep within though, Metal and Poker knew that if they hesitated even a single moment to act, then their defiance would be short lived.

When Marco and 314th closed onto their position, the rebel clones launched their ambush. Concentrated volleys of DC-15 Blaster fire, and well placed Thermal Detonators, caused the 314th many men. Metal Squad eventually got an all-clear signal from Koln, just when they were starting to get overwhelmed by the other clone troopers. Stoner ordered an immediate retreat with Kickback, and the handful of Clones began to flee, under fire from waves of blaster bolts. As the two beaten squads fell back, eventually their luck ran sour. The 314th brought in rocket launchers to deal with the escaping rebels, and collapsed several parts of the Temple around the fleeing rebel Clones, however making sure to only target areas such as pillars or other structures based inside the temple itself, as to not collapse the entire area on their heads. An explosion from a rocket killed O'Two from Poker Squad, and soon Don was also hit in the leg, badly wounding him and rendering him unable to walk. The heroic Clone persuaded his brothers to leave him behind, and Don fought off the 314th until he was grimly executed by Captain Marco. 


O'Two is cut down in the disastrous retreat

Metal Squad and Kickback eventually made it to the exit, but found that there were already Clones awaiting them there. A unit of four Clone Assassins leaped out of nowhere, and cut down Kickback in a savage whirlwind of vibroblades. Metal Squad countered the sudden attack from the skilled troopers with concentrated blaster fire and skilled dodged and close quarters moves, honed by several engagements. Eventually, Metal Squad dealt with the assassins, but not before losing two more men to their blades themselves. Urged the stay behind and kill Marco for his treachery, Metal Squad eventually escapes the temple, and heads for the Republic camp outside the ruins. The few Troopers guarding the base were quickly dispatched, as they opened fire on the approaching Metal Squad. Using a secure holo transmitter, Metal urges Koln to stay hidden for as long as he can. Koln reluctantly agrees, preferring to take the fight to the 314th instead, but see's the wisdom in hiding out. Metal Squad commandeers a LAAT and transports a series of supplies over to Koln for him to last for several months. Metal Squad had already made a plan to escape from the planet, and even had figured a way to fake Koln's death. Then, the small five-man team begins to plan a way off Kulama, and past the 314th who are still searching for them.

Escape from Kulama[]

What is happening?
—Vreezan Koln
We don't know sir, were just as puzzled as you. But we must leave now! Captain Marco and the rest of the battalion will be coming for us!
—Sergeant Stoner

The Great Jedi Purge began officially around the time Metal Squad made their daring move against the 314th on Kulama. Fortunately for them, Koln had previously ordered a shipment of fresh mining supplies onboard a Republic blockade runner, and those supplies, and the ship, were still on their way. The small blockade runner was well known to Fill, who had taken the precaucion of closely studdying all forms of ship designs both in training and during his service time. With his expertise, they could easily man the runner and escape Kulama. It was Stoner who figured that Koln would be safer hiding out on Kulama, presumed dead, then constantly hopping from planet to planet. The now-exiled Knight would have some years worth of supplies from the Republic campsite alone, plus the additional resources he could scavenge from the desert world. All of the Clones agreed he would be safe from the clutches of Palpantine's goons for quite some time, if not permanently.

Using their stolen LAAT/i, Fill flew the gunship over the campsite, and began a quick strafing run across the post, scattering the 314th Clones below and causing most of them to divert their fire towards Fill. The next stage of the plan was simple, and quickly executed as well. The rest of Metal Squad slipped into the supply tent of the camp, and planted Koln's torn and burnt cloak inside. Meanwhile, Hopper was filling the Clone com-channel, which Metal still had access to thanks to the haste of the 314th to search for them, with urgent news of the strafing run accidentally killing Koln, and that Metal Squad was to immediately retreat. Marco and his men bought the bait, much to the fortune, and quite so the surprise, of Metal Squad.

While Metal Squad fell back, Fill landed the LAAT/i around the area in which they were supposed to meet, which was close to the designated landing coordinates of the supply ship. And indeed, soon enough a Republic blockade runner landed in the area, sending out a small maintenance crew of Clones who were bringing out supplies in the LZ. The Clones were unaware of Metal Squad's rebellion, and the rebel Clones appeared to them as the Trooper's picking up the supplies for Knight Koln. While Fill, Stoner and Hopper went inside the ship and switched their blasters to stun in preparation to capture the ship, Jester and Riker remained outside, pretending to check the correct amount of supplies while keeping an eyeout for trouble. Metal Squad, having already gotten sick of killing so many of their fellow Clones, were done employing lethal tactics against these men who were utterly unaware of the situation.

So, Metal Squad dispatched the few unsuspecting Clone engineers around the ship, then moved onto the bridge to take out the pilot and co-pilot, effectively seizing control of the runner. After Riker and Jester were succesfully aboard, Fill took off with the ship, its controls being basic enough for him to understand them, and blasted off to orbit. Captain Marco realized suddenly what was going on after he lost contact with the supply ship, and ordered the Acclamator-class Cruiser in orbit to shoot the ship down. The batteries of the warship opened fire, but the small and agile blockade runner dodged every volley, and soon Fill punched the hyper space drive, and the ship boosted out of orbit of Kulama.

Metal Squad had escaped, Koln was safe for now, and they had a ship and the means to survive for quite some time. But the odds were stacked against them. All around the galaxy, the Jedi were being wiped out, and they were now condemned as traitors to the Republic they had sworn to protect. 

Galactic Civil War[]

What are we gonna do now?
The only thing we can do: we fight back.
—Sergeant Stoner

Metal Squad was labled as a unit that had betrayed it's brothers by Palpatine, who had by then founded the new Galactic Empire, and crowned himself as it's Emperor. Allmost all Clones now beared the title of Imperial Stormtroopers, acting as the mailed fist of the Empire rather then the galaxy's protectors. Metal Squad was adrift in space for a month, planning their next move. And finally, after careful planning and strategizing, they finally came up with a target that could cripple the Empire. At the early stages of the Empire's founding, there were very little to no resistance forces opposing them, and Metal decided it was time to correct that matter. Although they were hard pressed at the thought they would have to kill their own brothers to win this little guerilla war of theirs, they knew that if the galaxy was to be free once more, then they would have to do what was nescesary.

Their first target was an Imperial mining facility on the planet of Repor, which was being used to ship matterials out to construct battlecruisers for the Imperial Navy. The facility was heavily guarded by a full battalion of Stormtroopers. The small five-man squad would have to storm the across hundreds of Clones, and then detonate explosives at the heart of the facility to bring it down. Stoner however, as much as he knew that fighting the Stormtroopers was inevitable, wanted to avoid it for as long as possible. As lucky and tough as his unit was, there were only five of them still, versus hundreds of Imperials. Odds he didn't want to play around with. So, the squad played a deadly game with the Imperials, requesting docking permission into the ship as a supply transport offloading food and medd's for station personnel. Miraculously enough, the station's crew bought it, having been stuck out in the cold of space for weeks without resupply, they may have just been desperate. Metal Squad docked in an airlock relatively close to the core.

After entering the facility, Metal Squad managed to evade the patrols of Stormtroopers around the facility for a time, part of the time even being able to directly march past them thanks to their armor. However, the illusion didn't last long, after they came across a patrol led by a veteran Clone sergeant, CT-8652, who questioned the squad, asking for ID's and designations. The brief hesitation to answer the question was enough for the hardened Trooper to assume them as a threat, and he along with the pair of Stormtrooper Clones with him raised their weapons in protest. Cursing his luck, Stoner slammed aside the sergeant's DC-15 rifle, and launched a brutal blow across his jaw, sending the sergeant's helmet clean off his head. The other two Stormtrooper's set their fingers on the trigger, but Metal Squad was faster, and soon two more bodies lay dead on the floor. CT-8652 attempted to resist, but a blaster bolt from Stoner ended his life quickly and efficiently. Not pausing to remark their kills, Metal Squad rushed towards the core, while the blaster fire triggered the alarm and sent Stormtroopers across the station towards their position.

Shortly after the alarm was set off, Metal Squad managed to reach the core, and detonate several explosive charges directly inside it, causing a wild malfunction in it's systems and sending a lethal chain reaction across the entire station, killing dozens of Stormtroopers in seconds. As planned, their ship was still docked in the airlock, unharmed and unboarded. As the station met it's demise, Metal Squad escaped in their ship, having struck their first Imperial target with astounding success, and with no casualties. Stoner remarked that this was to be "the beginning for a new age for the Empire". And every member of Metal Squad knew what that age would be.


Riker and Hopper prepare to set up a scavenged mortar in an upcoming ambush on Umbara

The small unit of rebel Clone Troopers struck target after target on many other planets afterwards, setting up deadly ambushes and performing quick lighting raids to cripple the Empire. Irritated by the constant interference of this small, undermanned squad of Clones, Imperial High Command commissioned none other than the 314th Assault Battalion under CT-9099 Marco to hunt down the rebels. Marco, eager to get revenge on Metal Squad for humiliating him and his battalion months earlier, became perhaps the most dedicated Imperial officer on the rim at that time to hunt anyone down, for few spent as many hours as he did searching for the right clues and moments to track down a few rebels.

Marco and Metal Squad did eventually stumble across each other, but purely by accident. At that time Marco was on the shadowed world of Umbara, having heard of Metal making raids on Imperial weapon depots and convoys. It took him and the 314th nearly three days to get to Umbara however, and many assmued that the rebels would have already left the planet. But unlike Metal Squad, Marco was in luck. The worn-out Republic blockade runner that Metal had commandeered on Kulama had finally been identified and grounded, trapping Metal squad on Umbara. The small Clone unit would have to survive on the cold darkness of the world before finding another way off. Marco in the meantime, took the chance to block off any and all forms of escape from Metal, and ordered to seal off all space ports, and even had the Umbaran capital city placed under lockdown. 

Naturally, the Umbarans were not pleased with their current situation. They had fought a brutal and devastating war with the Republic only months earlier, and had never approved of their rule. The Empire was no better, and was in fact even worse. There had already been several terrorist attacks from Umbaran rebels on the planet, and the Empire responded by publicly executing their civilians. The normally power-hungry people however refused to backdown, and struggled to compete with Imperial forces. Unbeknownst to them, their attacks, and even their mere presence, was demoralizing for the Stormtroopers below. The Umbarans, being a race craving for nothing but absolute power, had a way of creeping out even the most senior of officers or toughest of veterans. 

The grim attitude of the Umbarans was something that Metal Squad was hoping to take advantage from. Metal Squad met with an Umbaran resistance cell on the outer skirts of the capital, and discussed their possible alliance. The Umbarans were distrustful of the five Clones, fearing an Imperial plot, but the leader of the cell, known only as Nightsting, said he could "read" from the faces of these soldiers that they meant no harm. Metal Squad was only creeped out from the old Umbaran, who seemed to posess the ability to somehow read others, a skill which the Clones considered highly disturbing. Metal Squad offered the Umbarans advanced Intel on the 314th in exchange for help in escaping the planet, which they agreed on.

Metal Squad on Umbara

Metal Squad prepares to meet the Imperial Army in battle on Umbara

The next day, Metal Squad and several units of Umbaran Rebels attacked the streets of the capital via the sewer tunels bellow the city, which the Umbarans had used to secretly smuggle people out and into their safe houses. The Empire had been aware of the tunells, but never had anticipated that they would be used for an attack, hence them not knowing how far they even extended. The Umbaran's knew that they didn't have enough men to effectively seize the capital, but they saw their advantage in having the rebel Clones at their side, and considered that alone to be enough to perhaps seize victory. Much to the attacker's joy, the entire capital city soon heard of their people coming to finally retake their world, and thousands of Umbaran civilians charged at the confused Imperials outside, overwhelming them at several key points and turning their own weapons against them. Captain Marco, upon hearing this, suspected that none other than Metal Squad was behind the attack, and went into the capital to look for them himself. To box Metal into the city effectively, Marco ordered all areas containing ships to launch except for the space port to be sealed off, forcing Metal Squad to divert into an ambush, one they knew all too well to expect.

While the Umbaran's battled the Stormtroopers of the 314th, Marco and a fire team of Stormtroopers he had hastily gathered along the way, prepared to ambush the rebel Clones of Metal Squad. Metal Squad came close to walking blindly into an ambush, had it not been for a few random Umbaran rebels coming along into the space port and picking a fight with the Imperials. Stoner, realizing the time that had been given to them, immediately ordered his men to make for a DP20 Frigate, one of the many docked in the port, as they had been bringing squads of Stormtroopers from Star Destroyers who occasioanlly stopped by to resupply the garrison. Marco and his men easily killed the rebels, but much to the veteran Clone captain's rage, Metal Squad managed to get inside the frigate, and force the lightly armed and green crew to comply with their orders. A factor that gave Metal Squad away, was that they were still wearing Phase II Clone Trooper Armor. The rest of what had been the Grand Army of the Republic had already switched to their Stormtrooper Armor. Even if the Stormtrooper suits were in some ways more advanced, Metal Squad despised them and mocked them as abominations of armor. The DP20 that Metal Squad escaped in, was piloted by a crew of twelve, barely above the minimum required for the ship to operate. Marco and his Stormtroopers fired volleys of Blaster fire into the engines of the frigate, but the Captain was no fool. He knew it was too late. Cursing himself for letting the renegades slip once again, Marco continued to quell the rebellion on Umbara with his men until he could continue his hunt.

What would happen next would seal the fate of Metal Squad and set them up on a path where there was no turning back from. Hearing of an active war between a massive Rebel Alliance and the Empire, Metal ordered their captured crew to fly them over to the nearest world where there was Rebel activity. The crew eventually took them to the world of Kattada, where Princess Leia Organa was leading the Rebels against the Stormtroopers. Metal Squad commanded that a secure connection was established between the Rebels and their ship. At first, the crew hesitated, knowing they were taking part in making their Empire lose this conflict. As a result, the young lieutenant in charge of the crew ordered his men to lay their hands off the controls. Stoner held the lieutenant at gunpoint, threatening to shoot him if he didn't comply with his demands. The green officer stubbornly believed that the Clone wouldn't shoot, insisting to him that he would need him to survive through the Imperial Star Destroyer parked in orbit deploying troops to the surface. As an answer, Stoner shot the lieutenant in the head and switched his aim to another crew member. The panicked ensign however didn't make the same mistake his superior did and opened a channel to the Rebels, while another crew member made a fake call to the Star Destroyer telling them they were bringing reinforcements to the surface.

Stoner identified himself and his men as Metal Squad, which came as a great surprise to Leia and her men as they witnessed the faces of actual Republic Clone Troopers before them. Nonetheless, the Rebels were fearful of an Imperial plot, and it was only by the orders of Leia that they allowed them to even dock at their camp area. Leia met Metal Squad personally, and was convinced of their allegiance after the allowed themselves to be disarmed and inspected and went through questioning by a few Rebel and Kattadan officers. The crew of the DP20 were taken prisoners by the Kattadan's and their ship was confiscated and all Imperial insignia was erased. After that, Metal Squad was sent to the front lines to assist the Rebels against the Stormtroopers.

The Imperials were confused to see actual Clone Troopers fighting against them, particularly the few Fett-clones still among their ranks. Metal Squad proved itself with extreme acts of courage and valor, keeping the Imperials at bay with concentrated volleys of blaster fire and aiding the Rebel troopers whenever they could. In the end, when the Rebels launched their counter attack, Metal Squad provided the unit of Kattadan Guard they were assigned to with cover fire as they charged the Imperial positions. Metal Squad struck down a score of Stormtroopers, and the Kattadans did their part as well, and rammed through the Imperial positions with gusto, quickly overwhelming them and putting and end to the Battle of Kattada.

Leia and her other fellow commanders were surprised, to say the least, of the way Metal Squad had offered their allegiance so quickly to the rebel cause, and were curious of what they had to gain. Metal Squad offered little other explanation other than that they were willing to do whatever was needed to bring down the Empire. This was sufficient enough for Leia, and she took Metal Squad with her on the Tantive IV, offering to take them wherever they wished. Metal Squad looked at the star map on the ship, and had them dropped off at none other place than Kamino itself. Leia was confused by their choice, but the Clones insisted on returning to their home world and so they were quickly taken there without the Empire even noticing their arrival. Metal Squad used a small transport ship to go to the surface of the watter-covered world.

The reason Metal Squad went to Kamino was to cure their rapid aging process, which had become their concern over the past weeks as they fought against the Empire. As they saw it, there was little point in fighting if they didn't live long enough to do so. Knowing fully well that their arrival would not go unnoticed, Metal Squad boosted down towards the planet and into Timira City, a place which the Rebel spies had told them contained information that could be used to halt their aging process. Little did Metal know who they would end up finding on the surface.

Curing the aging process[]

This wont end here! Your all traitors! And will be hunted down as such!
—Captain Marco
Sir, permission to execute this scum with extreme prejudice.
—Jester to Sgt. Stoner

Metal Squad landed the shuttle on the surface of a chaotic Timira City. The entire place was in utter disarray, as the squad had arrived just after Darth Vader's secret clone apprentice of Galen Marek had broken out of confinement and escaped. Metal Squad had already made an estimate that they would be forced to deal with a considerable number of Imperials to get to the DNA chambers at all, but instead only encountered several dead Stormtroopers slain by brutal lightsabre cuts and thrusts. Metal Squad effortlessly reached the DNA chamber, where they quickly dealt with a handful of Stormtrooper guards and automated turrets, and then breached into the chamber itself.

Riker began to extract data that would allow them to cure themselves of the rapid aging process, and was successful too. Soon Metal Squad had in their hands a rich amount of data, and a way to easily cure themselves. Stoner checked the data himself, and after confirming that it was valid, ordered the squad to gather the necessary components needed for the cure, and then head back to the shuttle.

However, as they exited the building, they found themselves with Imperials to deal with. Noneother then Captain Marco, along with a team of four Stormtroopers, were outside waiting. Marco had been ordered to Timira City to reinforce the garrison there after Marek's clone had slaughtered much of the troopers here. Instantly recognizing Metal Squad, Marco was filled with anger and began blasting at them along with his men. However his efforts were in vain, as Metal Squad returned fire and expertly cut down all of Marco's men and wounded him as well. Approaching their wounded nemesis, Jester grimly stood back and "asked permission" from Stoner to execute Marco. Stoner bluntly granted him the "honor", and soon Marco was blasted into pieces by a direct impact from Jester's grenade launcher. Thus, Metal Squad's arch enemy met a brutal, yet unceremonious end.

On their way, additional squads of Stormtroopers tried to stop Metal from escaping, but the veteran Clone Troopers, honed by months of hard combat, made it past their Imperial aggressors and back to the shuttle, where they escaped Kamino and managed to cure their rapid aging process.

Service in New Republic[]

So were just glorified policemen now?
Not at all corporal. You are soldiers as anyone else. But people don't think as highly of Clones even now, since Order 66. It would be best to avoid the front for now.
—Luke Skywalker

Metal Squad was officially recognized again as a military unit by the New Republic, and were complimented as heroes. Although they held high respects among many in the New Jedi Order and the Republic military, there were also several people who only saw them as traitors, seeing as Clones like them were responsible for the destruction of the Jedi before, and had also acted as brutal enforcers of the Empire. Nonetheless they still continued to serve in this New Republic, although feeling a little alienated being the only Clone Troopers in the military.

Metal Squad was often seen escorting emissaries and diplomats on missions into hostile areas, or would act as infiltrators or support for larger armies. Overall, Metal Squad wasn't all too active in their time in the New Republic. The Empire was gone, and a new era of peace seemed to be at hand.

Or so they thought.

Yuuhzan Vong War[]

You know there is a place for men like you in the Protector's?
—Boba Fett
There is. But now we have a duty to uphold, and we will see it through.
—Sergeant Stoner

When the Yuuhzan Vong invaded beyond the galaxy, the New Republic was decimated in short time. Metal Squad would fight bravely on many fronts, although much of their time was only spent on Coruscant guarding members of the Senate. When the Vong attacked Coruscant, Metal Squad fought against the invaders with gusto, taking down many times worth their own number of the vile aliens, eventually circumstance forced even them to retreat. Metal Squad then assisted the New Republic forces in retaking Borleias, and then defended it in the two counterattacks by the Vong that followed. Metal Squad remained unscathed by the war, their training and experience keeping them alive and well. After the New Republic was re-organized into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, Metal Squad was assigned as a Special Forces team in it's ranks by Luke Skywalker himself.

In the last year of the war, Metal Squad helped liberate several Republic planets from Vong control, and while doing so struck an alliance with Boba Fett and the Mandalorian Protectors, who came to treat the veteran Clones like brothers, Fett particularly. The two groups would fight side by side on many battles, and Metal's respect for them was such that they even requested that they be assigned to the Protectors. They were given permission to Republic command to join them for the duration of the war. Metal Squad developed a strong bond with the Mandalorian Supercommando's, who admired their fighting skills and their Mando'a heritage from Jango Fett. Boba Fett became particularly fond of the squad. After the end of the Vong war, Metal returned to their duties in the Federation, although they never forgot their brothers in the Protectors.

Defection and joining Boba Fett[]

Looks like you found your way here pretty nicely.
—Boba Fett
Were done with the Alliance, and everyone else. Were just upholding our heritage now.
—Sergeant Stoner

When another civil war broke out between the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi Coalition and the Federation, Metal Squad finally decided they were done. Having gone through three massive wars, they had no desire to fight a fourth one. And besides, the Clones were already old enough for them to retire. Metal Squad gathered its supplies, and Riker took his wife, Lira, with him as they left.

The squad went to Mandalore, where they were greeted with open arms by their old friends. Boba Fett accepted them into their ranks, and Metal Squad became part of the Mandalorian Protectors, acting as a mercenary force. When the Federation heard of their defection, it was already too late. The civil war was already so bad they had no choice but to focus on that. Metal Squad would continue to fight with the Mandalorians for the rest of their "career", becoming some of the galaxy's best guns for hire.


Metal Squad was organized as a standard Clone Trooper Squad, consisting of a Sergeant and nine more Troopers. During Order 66, they were depleted to five Troopers, and never gained any refills from that point on, seeing as Clones or their weapons and armor were no longer in production. Metal Squad remained as it was throughout the First Galactic Civil War and the Yuuhzan Vong War and when they joined Boba Fett and his mercenaries.

Weapons and equipment[]

All of the members of Metal Squad wore a full set of Phase II Clone Trooper Armor and carried DC-15 blaster carbines and rifles, DC-17 pistols, thermal detonators and EMP grenades and also remote charges. The only exception was Jester, who wore an upgraded set of Clone Gunner armor and also used many types of heavy weaponry such as grenade launchers, PLEX Missiles and Z-6 Rotary Canons.
