Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Leaving the Empire is one the best decisions I have ever made.
—Marko Anathemos

Marko Anathemos was a male Zabrak who became a Sith Warrior for the reconstituted Sith Empire. He had average strength with the Force for a Sith, but was considered by both fellow Sith and Jedi enemies to be an excellent lightsaber duelist. His master was Sith Lord Darth Ganondorf, a Sith Sorcerer who was the head of a secretive organization known as the Emperor's Secret Order, which was directly subordinated to the Sith Emperor. Marko became part of the Secret Order, carrying out different missions throughout the Great Galactic War and Cold War in the name of the Emperor. However, he eventually left the Order and Empire altogether, becoming disillusioned by the infighting by different Dark Council members.


Early life[]

Marko was born in 3,701 BBY on Iridonia, the Zabrak homeworld. Not much is known of his childhood, other then that his parents both disappeared, and he lived in an orphanage. When a Sith Lord, Darth Ganondorf, was scouring for a test subject in 3,692 BBY, he went to Iridonia, knowing that Zabraks could tolerate more pain than other species. The Empire had not began the invasion yet, though Ganondorf was using a Force sorcery technique to make sure he was not detected by Jedi. He located young Marko during a fight among several young Zabraks that he witnessed. Marko killed two others, and was the last one standing. Ganondorf was impressed, and took Marko with him, promising to give him more than he had on his home planet. The Zabrak agreed, and Ganondorf quickly took him to Dromund Kaas, before a Jedi could sense their presence.

Sith training[]

Marko training

Marko training under Darth Ganondorf.

Marko was initially prepared by Ganondorf to be a test subject for his experiments with alchemy and sorcery. However, he witnessed young Marko get into a scuffle with several young apprentices from the academy on Korriban. During that fight, the Zabrak killed one, took his weapon, and killed a second before Ganondorf stepped in. The Sith purposely let Marko kill them because he found it entertaining. He then realized that Marko had a lot more potential than just to be a simple test subject for his experiments. Ganondorf decided to take the young Zabrak as his apprentice.

Great Galactic War[]

Cold War[]

Leaving the Empire[]
