Star Wars Fanon
Please forgive me if I don't kiss you on the cheek, compliment you for hours on end, and smile with greed hidden behind kindness. As a military man, I prefer to skip over the political charade, if you don't mind. Would allow us to get to business much sooner. After all, I am not the Galactic Alliance. I come so we may map out our future together, rather than gift you with feasts and banquet you with empty promises.―Lucifel to Corden Vencu[src]

Lucifel was a blind Force–sensitive Grand General of the New Sith Imperium during the Third Galactic Civil War. He worked with Geist Weiss and other Sith, aiding in numerous operations, including Operation Twilight. He fell into a coma after being shot in a fake assassination attempt on Corden Vencu's by Geist Weiss and Apollo Ordo during Operation Aruetii in order to frame the Galactic Alliance.

Behind the scenes[]

Lucifel was created by Dmitri Valentine for the fifth timeline of TheStarWarsRP.Com. Due to misunderstanding, his blindness and Force–sensitivity are attributed to as being a Miraluka when in fact he's a human.

His name comes from the biblical antagonist Lucifer.
