Star Wars Fanon

Rebel Colonel Kalira Seer served the Rebellion during the Galactic Civil War, often taking orders from Rahm Kota and Luke Skywalker. She viewed military service as an honor, and she always completed her mission. Fond of using two blaster pistols at the same time, Kalira customized her armor with distinctive purple markings. Her loyalty to the Rebellion and her Jedi Generals was absolute, but even this dedicated veteran soldier found herself plagued by doubts as the Galactic Civil War claimed more lives and brought ruin to more worlds.


Galactic Civil War[]

The leader of the Tyrant Company, Kalira was an exemplary rebel trooper, brave under fire and dedicated to the men serving under her. As a no-nonsense, by-the-book trooper, Kalira had to adjust to the maverick Jedi General Rahm Kota and his headstrong Padawan Luke Skywalker. Despite his lifelong training and discipline, Kalira came to admire and sometimes emulate Rahm’s genius for improvisation and his willingness to bend the rules. 

Over many campaigns, Kalira saw too many rebel troopers die fighting the Imperials’ seemingly limitless stormtroopers. Some of those deaths were unavoidable, but other troopers died because commanders such as the Rebel General Gen Dai saw them as expendable, little more than living people who serve and die.

Kalira believed in the Rebellion, and she had been trained to believe that a soldier’s highest calling was doing her duty despite long odds and orders she might not understand. But as the war ground up more and more of her men, Kalira began to wonder what the point of the conflict was, and what price they would ultimately pay.
