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Dad used to say I was going to be the best. He wouldn't even dream of this, heh?
—Hard Fett

Hard Fett was a legendary bounty hunter who, with the help of Sith Lords as Lord Daggus, Darth Revan, Lord Fuher, Fardan Gulpet, Darth Mobius and many others, became the Grand Master of the Baadu Order and re-created the Mandalorian Empire.


Childhood and Jedi training[]

Born on the rainy planet of Kamino, Hard Fett was considered a survivor. He grew up as the son of Boba Fett and looked up to him as one of the cruelest and most fearless bounty hunters of the entire galaxy. As a child, Hard Fett saw his father as an example, as so, he did not question when his father sent him to Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum, using the false alias of Jaster Teff so that he could be trained in the ways of the Force, hoping to became the greater bounty hunter in the galaxy.

Hard studied there for 9 years, and he became a crucial part on a lot of important missions. This included the Ragnos Disciples Crisis (he was sent to Dantooine), as well as helping to fight the Disciples of Ragnos on Korriban. At the age of 20, he became a Jedi Knight and was sent into his first assignment with the future Jedi Master, Thiago Kenobi. There, Hard Fett, with the help of his father, faked his own death and allowed Thiago Kenobi to return to the Praxeum and inform the Council of this "tragedy".

Times as a bounty hunter[]

For 25 years, Hard Fett worked as a mercenary. With his recently learned abilities with the Force, Hard Fett soon saw himself as even more dangerous and skilled than his own father. He came confident in his abilities, considering himself capable of undertaking any mission, rescue, kidnapping, sabotage, assassination or assignment that he was given. His skills served him well throughout his career, as it was rumored that he had never failed a mission. Hard Fett was hired by organizations such as the Imperial Remnants, the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic. He was also hired by many crime lords, such as the Hutts and even some Sith Cults.

A hunter's love[]

At some point during his career, Hard Fett fell in love with a vampire named Syl, eventually having a daughter named Krit. They lived in happiness for years, and Hard trained his daughter in the ways of the Force. Hard Fett hoped that his life would remain this way. However, Hard Fett's expectations did not turn out as he had hoped.

Fall to the dark side[]

No more Death Sticks to old Fett here..
—Hard Fett

Hard was hired by an unknown crime boss to assassinate the Black Sun's Vigos. He succeeded in his assignment, though he missed a little detail: Revenge. Xizor, the leader of the Black Sun crime syndicate, became furious with Fett's mission, and ordered his assassins to eliminate Hard's wife and daughter. This filled Hard with anger and wrath, and threw him into the deeps of the dark side. Fett went to Korriban and invaded Ajunta Pall's Tomb. He eventually received the training of a Sith Assassin from the Sith Lord's Spirit. Decades later, Hard would return to Korriban to confront his master, and earning what he perceived as the honor of wielding his master's sword, known as The Blade. Ajunta Pall transferred to Hard all his knowledge, skills and powers.

The dark years[]

In the 30 years that passed, Hard became obsessed only with finding and killing Xizor. However, he was blinded by the dark side's power, and his actions led only to slaughters and mass murder, leaving answers and salvation behind. For years, Hard was led by the dark side. However, everything changed when, on Nar Shaddaa (a planet that in the future would be conquered by him and his Mandalorian Empire), Fett was challenged by an "Unknown Elder" (who was actually Biirta Baadu, the founder of the Baadu Order, the order of the Grey Jedi). Hard Fett was beaten by the unknown challenger. Biirta, in his own views, then explained to Fett his mistake of depending on a single side of the Force and letting it consume him. And so, Baadu started to train Hard in the Baadu ways.


Hard passed years isolated from the Galaxy, training his Baadu powers. When he was graduated to what the Jedi would call a "Baadu Knight" (since the Baadu had no classes or castes on that time, he was just an advanced student), Hard started to fight his way back into the Galaxy. He eventually heard the name of Trigalis, a planet whose colonization had just restarted.

The Orkut era[]

When Hard Fett Baadu training ended, a lot had changed in the Galaxy; the Jedi were all but extinct and the Republic was controlled by the Sith. However, the new Sith were different in Hard Fett's eyes. To Fett, they were not like Palpatine or Darth Vader; the only Sith Hard Fett knew about. Most of these Sith fought in the name of justice and democracy; for a Galaxy in balance.

When Hard Fett arrived on Trigalis, he was hired by a Sith Lord named Ajunta Pall to kill another Sith called Lord Hypnos. However, Hard undertook his assignment differently. He "converted" Hypnos to Ajunta Pall's side, and allied himself and Hypnos to Saruman, the White and Baron Vlamir, from Bespin. It was at around the same time that Darth Kalis, a senator from the Galactic Senate, came to Trigalis to inspect the planet. Kalis was suddenly attacked by the terrorist known as Clone 5. The shot, luckily, hit a wall in front of Darth Kalis, and while the police officers tried to find the terrorist, Hard Fett jumped on the building and hid, eventually confronting him.

The fight was short and ended with the terrorist being poisoned by Fett. This allowed Fett's name to spread all around the Galaxy, including the Sith Lord (and future Supreme Chancellor) Lord Daggus, who formed an alliance with Hard Fett that he hoped would last forever. This also made him quite famous through the other Sith, and by that he met Sith like Darth Slaughter, Darth Mobius, Darth Teufel, Fardan Gulpet and many others.

While on Trigalis, Hard began to create a personal clone army that, in the future, would became the Mandalorian Empire. Also, with the help of Baron Vlamir, Hypnos and Saruman, Hard Fett received as a present; the Invisible Hand Star Destroyer, a stealth-based Star Destroyer that was used to hunt down the terrorist menace all over the Galaxy. The ship first saw action at the assault on Yavin IV where a group of corrupt Jedi had allied themselves with the terrorists. This episode was one of the first where Hard saw the true power of the Galatic Republic. It was at this time that Hard started, with his army, took control several planets.

The Kitsune, the Mandalorian shape-shifters[]

While searching for Nal-Hutta, Hard Fett found a colossal dragon-shaped cruiser. Inside, Fett found a colony of Kitsunes. The Kitsune saw Hard as the leader who, as interpreted by their legend, would help them to recover from their massacre on their homeworld. They pledged loyalty to Hard Fett and his army and became a crucial part of Hard Fett´s efforts on the future.

The creation of the Mandaloria and the new Mandalorian Empire[]

Hard Fett success in fighting the Followers of Joris and the Terrorist Union allowed him to "ask" (as he already knew that he would have the permission) the Galactic Senate for permission to create a mobile space station called Mandaloria to rebuild the Mandalorian Empire and hunt down the terrorists. The space station was built by 4 major companies: Kaer Space Station (owned by Saruman), Bespin Motors (owned by Baron Vlamir), Skytech Inc. (owned by Lord Hypnos) and Doctor Billstein.

The station meant the beginning of the new Mandalorian Empire that was based only on Hard Fett's personal clones. The new "generation" of Clones was based on a single DNA cell, though it received many alterations. In the end, each clone became a single individual. This was the beginning of the new Mandalorian Empire. The first time Mandaloria saw action was when Hard Fett, while in Trigalis, obtained information which indicated that the Black Sun was allied with the Terrorist, and started a full-scale attack to Xist (son of Xizor) fortress and finally eliminated the Black Sun Crime Syndicate. Using the Black Sun contacts and influence, he created his own crime empire, the Mandalore Cartel. Mandaloria also helped to start the Mandalorians expansion all over the Galaxy, starting with the intention of conquering Nal-Hutta.

Soul secrets[]

You mean, Im..what?
—Hard Fett,when discovering the truth about the Jedi Exile's fate

Fett was a man of secrets, and one of the most "famous" of them was that the Supreme Lord Mandalore was also the "reborn" Jedi Exile, the infamous Jedi General of the Mandalorian Wars.
