Star Wars Fanon

Haphaestus-class Star Destroyers were the third largest ships in Darth Sinity's armada. They housed enormous firepower, and were very battle-ready at any time, due to their enormous simplicity to operate. In many ways, they were the heart of Darth Sinity's regime, due to their all-round effectiveness.

Remarkable Factors[]

The Haphaestus-class was remarkable in a number of ways. Firstly, the ship had 3 hangars - one main ventral docking bay, one smaller, more specialized hangar located on the end of the ship, and a large hangar in the top of the ship, accessible by opening dorsal bay doors. Second, the Haphaestus-class had on board two bridges—the standard bridge in the aft of the ship, and a smaller but effective bridge in the bow of the ship. This was to ensure that the ship was not disabled, should one of the bridges be destroyed. And thirdly, the ship could land on a planet's surface. It was one of the largest ships to have atmospheric capabilities, much less landing capabilities.

Known Ships[]
