Star Wars Fanon

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The Galactic Eternal Empire, also known as the Second Galactic Empire and simply as the Empire, was an incarnation of the First Galactic Empire that was formed in the Unknown Regions by the survivors of the Destruction of Byss.

It was formed from the restless efforts of Lucian Aetius in the year following their exodus to the world of Lehon in the Unknown Regions, the Byss Remnant Forces had extracted tens of millions of the Beshqek system's inhabitants in an effort to empty-out the doomed system, turning large hangers into space for civilians.

Three years after the basic foundations were laid on Lehon, Darred Palatine stepped forwards and revealed that he was the last known genetic relative of Emperor Palpatine, from henceforth he proclaimed himself the Eternal Galactic Emperor and from his proclamation the Eternal Galactic Empire was officially born on Lehon.



The Galactic Eternal Empire was originally born from Emperor Palpatine's Dark Empire, an attempted reconstitution of the Galactic Empire, centered on the Deep Core world of Byss in the Beshqek system. A Dark Side Magocracy, it brought the knowledge of the Sith and Dark Jedi within the Empire's ranks, to the light of everyone in the galaxy.

It came to an end however, during the Destruction of Byss, when the Eclipse II destroyed the Galaxy Gun while loaded with a Particle disintegrator warhead. The warhead fell planet-side and detonated, destroying Byss and destabilizing the Byss Run Hyperspace lane.

Following the disagreement and execution of Ars Dangor, Sector Admiral Lucian Aetius launched an exodus of the Beshqek system, evacuating the people of Relus and the survivors of Byss before heading into the Unknown Regions where he could be sure the New Republic would not follow.

The mainframe of the Sovereign listed an uninhabited world, a world that had been the center of Galactic Powers and the Dark Side since before even the genesis of the Galactic Republic, Aetius chose this world to be the place where those fleeing Byss would find deliverance.

Government and Politics[]

Like its predecessor, the Eternal Empire was ruled with near absolute power by Eternal Emperor Darred Palatine, it was governed by the efforts of the Infinite Council and Imperial rule was still authoritarian. There was freedom of speech, although limited to the Imperial Senate and dissidents were still punished harshly.

The Empire was still decentralized, but had become a more organized state. Planetary Governors ruled worlds, Moffs ruled Sectors and commanded the Sector Forces, a Senator represented a Sector and its planets in the Imperial Senate. All three functions could easily blame the other of corruption, betrayal and dereliction of duty. They were trapped in a constantly unstable alliance, the constant threat of being turned in or caught by Imperial Intelligence, therefore ensured that each Sector would be run honestly and efficiently with little chance of corruption taking root.

Oversectors and Grand Moffs also existed, however the purpose was for a Grand Moff to oversee a select number of Moffs and Sectors, where they were inevitably answerable to the authority of the Infinite Council and Eternal Emperor.

