Star Wars Fanon
Forums > Fanon Cantina > FC:The Third Legion theory. Fan fic
Fanon Cantina

Okay, first of all, I'd appreciate comments. Not because I'm an attention hog, because this is kinda a dark area for me. I'll explain the story, but I'd feel I've got to tell the origin first.

It started with legos, more precisely this guy. He came with a set of about 4 others like him, along with a saucer ship. Anyway, it eventually was torn apart to build other sets and the minifigs were lost to the lego bin. But one day, I found that little minifig while rummaging through the bin. This was all the more important since this was the day of one of the greatest lego battles of my life. My two brothers had gathered every lego star wars minifig together for a battle of good versus evil. This type of play was common in my house, (But not of this magnitude) and I'd usually be saddled with my second eldest brother, (Who was always on the good side) against my eldest, (Who usually played the evil side, not because of preference, because somebody had to do it)

Now, I was feeling all nostalgic and found some of saucer pieces and was running about the room making engine noises. When my eldest brother asked which side he'd be on, I said that he'd be on his own. This was met with much scoffing, as the chances of one ship and one minifig winning against hundreds of opposing minifigs was very low. I got angry, and said I'd beat them both.

I built and I organized my own army, consisting of mortars, aircraft, tanks, and infantry. It was better then what I had started with but I was still vastly outnumbered. I ignored these facts, convincing my self that I would win.

I had total victory devoid of casualties. My irritated brothers left the room saying, "You cheated!" and the like, but I was oblivious to this. I was thinking of what to call it when the name hit me; the Third Legion.

I feel that I have sufficiently explained their origins and I’m sure you don’t want to be bored by my ranting so explain the backstory I came up with. You see, it is not sufficient for me to just have a character; I must invent a backstory, a driving purpose. Now here is where the real story begins.

The Third Legion was a genetically engineered race of warriors, not just hack and kill warriors mind you, smart, ruthless, and efficient warriors, ones that will find a way to kill you no matter the price. They were engineered by a galaxy spanning empire, (Which for now will go unnamed) bordering the known star wars universe. Their purpose; destroy the infinite empire.

Now, you’re probably wondering why it is called the Third Legion. The answer is simply, this isn’t the first time this empire has tried to kill off the Rakata. Two other expeditions were sent, and they failed pathetically. But each time the Border Empire learned more and more, and adapted their warrior race to fight the Rakata better. However this took time because they had no hyperspace technology, making it take many a millennia to reach their destination. But the Border Empire felt sure that this time the Rakata would lose.

But, when the Third legion got there they too were butchered. They’re implants and genetic superiority were still no match for Rakata’s mind powers and technologies. Then, the leader of the Legion devised a plan. To create a disease, that would remove the mind powers of the Rakata. Then, without their powers and technology, there would be no chance of recovery, and the mission would finally be complete.

Their plan was to infect the slaves with the disease, and then they unknowingly would infect their masters. The disease would encourage thoughts of anger inside their hosts. This would insure that the slaves would rebel, and the Rakata would turn to civil war. They even gave it intelligence so it would be able to counter any anti-virus the Rakata developed.

They released it upon the slaves, and waited to see the fruit of their work. At first it happened exactly the way they wanted it to. Rakata against Rakata, slaves rebelling, and the vaunted armaments of the Infinite Empire finally lying unused. Happy with the results, the Legion began its journey home. When they arrived, they found, nothing. All that once was of their home, gone. With no other choice of action, the legion put themselves into stasis, only awakening if the Infinite Empire returned. There they slept peacefully knowing they completed their mission without a hitch.

But the disease they created had done something they did not expect. It transferred the mind powers of the Rakata, to the slaves.

And now the Third Legion rises from their sleep, to once again fight “The Infinite Empire” When will they arrive? One can only hope that they come beyond their lifetime.

  • Ominous music plays as the screen fades into blackness….*

Okay, now you might be wondering why I’m not posting this as an article. The truth is, I don’t want to. It ruins the whole idea of Star wars, and makes it all just seem futile.

Why am I posting it here then? Well, it’s too interesting to just keep to myself, and I’d like to know what people thought of it.

If anyone wants to use it, feel free to, no strings attached. If you want to say it is crud, go ahead. I just want to know what people thought of this wacked out theory of mine.  
