Star Wars Fanon

The Formation of the Odeinian Rebellion was an event that took place shortly after the Odeinian Rebellion's uprising nine days later.

It dealt with a Clone Handmaiden named: Hannah Bagwa who was created to serve as a covert operative spy to Kamino, where she would be sent to aid Oden and prevent the Kaminoans from terminating him or his Odeinian clones. Bagwa journeyed to Kamino, where she arranged a bargining deal with the Prime Minister: Lama Su to purchase all of the Odeinian Clones, and Oden for over fifty million credits. She also asked Lama Su if she could purchase one of their Kaminoan cloning facilities so that the Odeinian clones could remain there with her and agreed to pay Lama Su another fifty million credits for giving her and her Odeinian clones full control over Jaron Wu. Hannah also asked Lama Su if he would not inform the Republic, the Jedi Order, or anyone else of her, the Odeinians, or the purchase dealings she made with him.

While at Jaron Wu, CC-4135 Oden and his clone troopers took refuge in their new city home, and relieved their gratitude to both Hannah and Delta-3530 Gohan for their efforts in securing their freedom. It is here, that Oden forms his rebel fraction and prepares cloning and training more of his clones for the future battle that laid ahead of them.
