Star Wars Fanon

Force Heal also known as Force Regeneration, was a Force Power that allowed the user, through their connection with the Force, to self-heal and regenerate him or herself from their most fatal intensive injuries they had. It was possible for the user to heal others with this ability, though it would require much more power depending on how strong and experienced the user was, as the ability was only used to heal the user individual.

Those who mastered and had full access to this ability for longer periods of time developed "rapid-cell regeneration," allowing them to regenerate severed limbs, and even maintain their youthful physical appearence, effectively making them immortal. This was because the user's body's cells in their DNA were constantly dying and regenerating at the same time. Jaden Starkiller utilized force heal for this very purpose. Such ability to manipulate a cell's self-miotic actions could have allowed some users to perform an action opposite to this, causing the victim to rip apart from the inside.
