Star Wars Fanon

It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force, but by our skills with a Lightsaber.
—Darth Maul to Yoda[src]

The First Duel of Naboo was a lightsaber duel on Naboo between Darth Maul and Qui-Gon Jinn, along with his former apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi during the planet's invasion in 19 BBY.


The Duel[]

It was a final attempt to retake the planet. The Gungans were out on the plains distracting the droid armies of the Trade Federation and Queen Sabe Amidala and her guards attempted to capture Viceroy Nute Gunray. Obi-Wan first attempted to duel Darth Maul once again after his incident on Utapau, but was injured slightly. Qui-Gon then took over and dueled with Maul. He used his lightsaber and Obi-Wan's lightsaber to fight. Obi-Wan's saber was cut in half and Maul's double bladed saber was cut in half, leaving Maul with only one blade. Qui-Gon was then crushed by a piece of debris. Jedi Master Yoda arrived just in time. The two dueled with their force powers before the final lightsaber duel began. Eventually, Maul retreated and fled the planet in a shuttle. Outside of Theed, Annikin Starkiller knocked out the Droid Control Ship, but the Trade Federation had a back up army of Neimoidian Warriors. Annikin, the Jedi, and Clone troopers arrived at the last second and forced the remaining Neimoidian forces to retreat. The battle was soon over and Gunray had been captured. However, the Clone Wars. had started.

