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Episode 4: The Last Hope was a.k.a. TLH. It was the fourth installment to the Ultimate Star Wars Saga. It described the rise of Luke Skywalker.

The Galaxy's Most Desperate Hour[]

The Rebel Alliance operated an efficient and widespread intelligence network of Bothan Bothan spies. Through this network, the Alliance learned of the construction of the Death Star, an extremely powerful space station capable of annihilating entire planets with its superlaser. Rebel prisoners aboard the Death Star managed to riot and got control of a technical readout while Imperial-turned-Rebel Kyle Katarn retrieved further plans. The final piece of the plans were recovered by Bria Tharen and the Red Hand Squadron during the Battle of Toprawa. From there they beamed it to Leia's ship, the Tantive IV, while the 501st Legion, under Darth Vader, tracked Rebels to Polis Massa, however this was only a set-up for the Empire. Even so, the Rebels, who fought with the defensive upper hand, were crushed. Imperial forces soon discovered the true plot and the Star Destroyer Devastator, under the command of Darth Vader himself, captured the Tantive IV in a space battle above Tatooine, the planet Leia had been trying to reach. There she hoped to enlist the help of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was a fugitive Jedi in hiding on the planet and was watching over the young Luke Skywalker.

Stormtroopers of the 501st took control of the ship and Darth Vader] arrived to access the damage. Vader was outraged and questioned Captain Antilles, whom he eventually strangled and killed. Hiding on the ship, Leia is spotted by part of the 501st, and is shot with a stun blast. Before taking her prisoner, Vader questioned her as well. However, before being detained, Princess Leia was able to record a holographic message and give it to R2-D2 to take to Kenobi. Vader ordered a message be sent to the Imperial Senate on Coruscant that the ship was destroyed, with everyone on board killed. The droids R2-D2 and C-3PO used an escape pod which brought them to the planet Tatooine. R2-D2 and C-3PO are "recovered" by Jawas after being separated from each other.

Luke's Destiny[]

I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father
—Luke Skywalker

The droids were bought by moisture farmer Owen Lars and his nephew, Luke Skywalker. R2-D2 escaped from the Lars' homestead in search of an Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom the droid claims to be the property of. Luke and C-3PO found R2 the next day just before they are attacked by Sandpeople. Luke and his droids are rescued by Obi-Wan Kenobi or, as Luke knows him, Ben Kenobi, who killed the Sand People. Obi-Wan took Luke to his home.

Luke received his father's lightsaber, as Obi-Wan recalls his own friendship with Luke's father. Luke is told that a Jedi named Darth Vader betrayed and murdered his father. After discovering Princess Leia's message carried by R2-D2, Obi-Wan attempted to persuade Luke to accompany him to Alderaan. Luke refused to go until he discovered that his aunt and uncle were brutally murdered by Imperial stormtroopers searching for the droids. Luke, Obi-Wan, and the two droids traveled to Mos Eisley to find passage to Alderaan, Princess Leia's home planet.

For 30,000 credits, 15,000 in advance and 15,000 upon arrival, smuggler Han Solo and his first mate, a Wookiee named Chewbacca, agreed to take the foursome to Alderaan aboard their ship, the Millennium Falcon. Han is juast about to go prep up the Falconm for takeoff, but is stopped by Boba Fett who had been sent by Jabba the Hutt to obtain the money Han Solo owes him for replacing the spice Han was forced to dump. Han is able to convince Fett that he will have the money soon, and Fett allows him to go with fair warning of what will happen if he fails.

Obi-wan is able to use a mind trick to get a bypasser to pay full price for Luke's landspeeder. Although they fall short by 10,000, Obi-wan assures Luke that he has money on Alderaan that he has kept there for years, that is ten times the amount needed. After brief scuffles with the Empire, the Falcon escapes the Imperial Blockade at Mos Eisley and Han sets a course for Alderaan.

Rescue of the Princess[]

Here's where the fun begins!
—Han Solo

In Alderaan's place, they found what seems to be an asteroid field. The planet was destroyed by the dreaded Death Star, on the orders of Grand Moff Tarkin, to set an example of the power of the Empire. The Millennium Falcon is pulled aboard the Death Star by its powerful tractor beam.

From hidden smuggling compartments, the crew of the Millennium Falcon ambushes an Imperial scanning crew and two stormtroopers. With Han and Luke disguised as the two stormtroopers, the group begins to figure out how to escape. Obi-Wan Kenobi separates from the group to disable the tractor beam, leaving the others alone. While connected to the Imperial Network, R2-D2 discovers Princess Leia is aboard the station. Luke convinces Han and Chewbacca to rescue her with the vague promise of a grand reward. Han and Chewbacca reluctantly agree. Luke plans to march into Detention Block AA 23, claiming that Chewbacca is part of a prisoner transfer. C-3PO and R2-D2 are instructed to remain behind, and the trio sets off on their rescue attempt. Luke's plan works flawlessly in that they are quick to subdue the officers and guards in the Princess's cellblock. Unfortunately, no one thought to plan for their escape, and Leia takes charge, blasting a hole in a nearby grate and jumping through while Han and Luke hold off a squad of stormtroopers. Chewbacca, Luke and Han all dive after the princess into the unknown.

Unfortunately, the grate covers a chute that leads to a garbage compactor that is also home to a resident dianoga. Soon after landing, the creature pulls Luke under the surface, but releases him and is scared away when the Imperials realize where our heroes escaped to and activate the compactor. As the walls close in on the foursome, Luke desperately calls to C-3PO over his comlink asking for the compactor to be shut down. R2-D2 manages to shut down the compactor just in time, although, amidst the muffled cries of joy over the comlink, C-3PO is briefly convinced that his master and friends have been crushed.

After escaping from the trash compactor, the group hurries back to the Millennium Falcon, hoping that Obi-Wan has successfully shut down the tractor beam. They encounter stormtroopers on their way to the ship.


This will be a day long remembered.
—Darth Vader

Obi-Wan, on the other hand, was destined to meet with Darth Vader. Obi-Wan battles his former Padawan, but this time Obi-Wan sacrifices himself as Luke watches in terror, then screams. Horrified and angered, Luke takes his final blasts at the stormtroopers and dashes onto the Millennium Falcon.

After fighting a squadron of TIE Fighters, the Millennium Falcon meets the Rebel Alliance on Yavin 4, and the information in R2-D2 is turned over. General Dodonna plans the attack on the Death Star, an attack so audacious as to receive an unenthusiastic reaction from the pilots, notably Wedge Antilles. To add to Luke's dismay, Han leaves after receiving his reward. They then received word that two Star Destroyers had just joined the Death Star in the coming attack.

The Emperor Arrives[]

After the Death Star entered hyperspace, it received a signal that showed that Emperor Palpatine was following them. They arrive at Yavin IV, and they halt just long enough to receive Palpatine. Palpatine boards the Death Star and is told by Vader that Kenobi had been killed. Palpatine smiles and says, "This is well for you, my servant."

He demands to know how long it will be before the Death Star has destroyed the Rebillion. Tarkin replies that he is certain it will be destroyed that very day. Palpatine nods and leaves the Death Star in the capable hands of Tarkin and Vader. Once he is beyond range of call, Tarkin orders the two Star Destroyers to leave immediately. When the admiral in charge argues the point, he is threatened with destruction. They leave immediately.

Triumph at Yavin IV[]

The Rebel strike force begins its attack on the Death Star, as the space station approaches the Rebel base on Yavin 4. The final Rebel ships enter the trench to hit the target that will destroy the Death Star. One of them is piloted by Biggs Darklighter, a friend of Luke who is killed by Vader towards the end of the assault. Most of the Rebel ships are destroyed, save for Luke Skywalker's X-wing. Just before Darth Vader could destroy Luke from his personal TIE Advanced Fighter, Han returns in the Millennium Falcon and clears away the attacking Imperial fighters. Luke fires the proton torpedo into the exhaust port target, and the Death Star is destroyed.

The few remaining ships (those of Wedge, Luke, Han, and Keyan Farlander, a Y-wing Pilot) return to Yavin 4 and a victory celebration commences, complete with awards for the heroes, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker and although Chewbacca wasn't awarded a medal in the movie, he did receive the honor of having the last line in the film.

Behind the Scenes[]

This movie was based mostly on A New Hope. But, there are several significant changes. One of these was the arrival of the Emperor on the Death Star.
