Star Wars Fanon


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Ditoggu were a sentient species from the Deep Core world of Aurydomus, located nearly halfway between Iope and Jerrilek. They entered galactic civilization circa 320 BBY even though their world was discovered by Republic scouts millennia earlier in 24,896 BBY.

Society and culture[]

Ditoggu were prone to be primitive about anything, according to notable Corellian sentientologist Roumal Siulo. They understood technology well enough but they could not help but form mythologies about anything and everything. And, despite their ability to use blasters, they would often fight with whatever blunt object would suffice as a club. Wherever they could, they preferred to live in crude shelters rather than permanent and safe structures. During thunderstorms, whether the small ones of Lop Lorippi or the unending tempests of Squallisaur, they were terrified, burning incense and offering prayers to their storm god. Further examples of their primitive behavior included the demand that none of their dead be buried anywhere but on Aurydomus, their fear of the undead, and their refusal to be near activated droids. Not all Ditoggu were superstitious, though, and some even learned to work with droids.

