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I am Darth Merik, apprentice to Galepius, the last of the Disciples of Bane and you shall not defeat me.
—Darth Merik

Darth Merik was a dark side warrior employed by the Disciples of Bane in their war against the Republic. A skilled warrior, he fought against many foes before being apparently slain at the Battle of Eriadu. He would later emerge as the apprentice of Darth Sharka and would lead his troops in battle against the Jedi before his master's death. Following this, he joined with Darth Clous and fell in battle against the Jedi on Ossus.


I have fought many wars and served many masters but I have never yet taken on the mantle of master and an apprentice of my own. With the Glove of XoXaan in my possession, I can achieve my goal but first Sharka must die and maybe the Jedi can do it for me.
—Darth Merik

Disciple of Bane[]

Lord Merik, you are headstrong, so set upon your task that you cannot see the enemy strike at your back. Your brute strength does not compensate for your lack of tactics, in all these things Lord Doruk is stronger then you and that is why you now obey him.
—Darth Galepius to Darth Merik

Merik's origin was unknown, as he only came to prominence on Eriadu as the contact between Darth Galepius and local smuggler Siras Feltz. It was on Eriadu that he came into contact with Jedi Master Dooku and his apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn. He duelled with the Jedi on the streets of Eriadu's capital before he fled to the Xeros Asteroids.

When Dooku and Qui-Gon were captured pursuing him, Merik looked forward to overseeing their torture. However, he was recalled to Eriadu before he could watch it happen. Merik took command of the fortress while Galepius tortured the Jedi and Darth Razor led attacks on several Mid Rim worlds.

Merik heard of the Jedi's escape and was present at the Battle of Eriadu. When Darth Doruk was picked to lead the army against the Jedi, Merik was very angry at being replaced and clashed with Doruk. Merik remained in the fortress and was on the wall before it was breached and he was shot in the leg. During the final stages of the battle he saw Qui-Gon's unconscious body lying on the floor and made his way over to it, ready to kill the helpless Jedi. He was so focused on his target that he failed to see Mera Dan, a former ally of the Disciples, come up behind him and shoot him in the back. Mera fired twice into his body and left him for dead.

Apprenticed to Sharka[]

Do you promise to serve me as my apprentice, adhere to the codes of the Disciples and act as my right hand in my quest to dominate the galaxy."
"Yes, master."
"Then go forth my apprentice and carry out my will across the galaxy.

—Darth Sharka and Darth Merik

However, Merik had survived the blaster shots by going into a deep trance and was able to use the force to heal himself, although he still carried a limp from the shot to his leg that had shattered his knee. Merik journeyed the galaxy for decades before he met fellow Disciple Darth Sharka and apprenticed himself to the more powerful Sith Lord.

Merik was a loyal servant of Sharka, but with the Sith Lord's decline he began to plot his own ascension to power by leaking Sharka's location to the Jedi Temple. He then took command of the Massassi armies and led them against three Jedi, Dooku, Djinn Altis and Deva Padj when they arrived on Butar to kill Sharka. However, during the battle, Dooku broke through and battled the weakened Sharka and only Merik's arrival spared his master's life.

Merik battled Dooku until Sharka used the force in an attempt to blast Dooku away. The blast also struck Merik, sending him flying out the window. However, he used the force to shield himself and he survived the fall. This was lucky for him as Sharka's force wave destroyed the Temple and killed Sharka. After the Jedi left. Merik was met by the Disciples Darth Clous, who told him to collect the glove for him.

Attack on Ossus[]

The Glove is mine, now I will be the master.
—Darth Merik on Ossus

Having received his task, Merik gathered the remaining Massassi warriors under his command and traveled to Ossus in order to take the Glove from the Jedi there. His troops attacked, but failed to breach the Temple in the first assault, leading to a long siege.

Following several days of waiting, a small team of Jedi led by Djinn Altis arrived and snuck past his army and entered the Temple. However, Merik sensed them and followed them through the Temple's secret entrance which he then left open for his troops. Merik then infiltrated the heart of the Temple and discovered that the Temple's second-in-command Deva Padj had taken the Glove and begun using it for himself. Merik and a group of Massassi confronted Padj and attacked him and Merik succeeded in severing Padj's arm and taking the Glove. Merik was then confronted by Master Thorn and they engaged in a lightsaber duel and Merik cut down the Jedi Master.

However, Merik would not escape the Temple because, as he fled, he was confronted by Djinn Altis on the Temple steps. The Jedi has already successfully driven back Merik's troops and Altis battled Merik alone. However, Merik used the Glove's power to defeat Altis and he was about to strike him down when he was confronted by Nin, an old Jedi Master who had exiled himself following the Jedi's disastrous mission to Neimodia. Due to Merik's lack of control over the glove due to his injuries and small amount of contact with it, Nin was able to defeat Merik, although he was badly wounded in the process. One cut from Nin's lightsaber was enough to open up Merik's throat and send him toppling off the Temple steps where he fell to his death. The glove was later recovered by Nin for safe keeping.
