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Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

Long time, brother.
—Crudelis to his brother, Rector, after they meet again for the first time in many years.

Darth Crudelis, born Cole Palpatine, was a Dark Lord of the Sith trained in the ways of the Rule of Two and the old Sith Order eventually becoming Grand Master and Emperor of the New Sith Order. Crudelis was the second legitimate son of Emperor Palpatine and was banished along with his brother to "prove himself" on the edges of the Empire, Crudelis was then taught by the Spirit of Emperor Vitiate in the Throne Room of the Dark Council on the world of Dromund Kass, Vitiate promised him the chance to sit on his throne so long as he and the new Dark Council were advised by his lingering spirit.

Crudelis based himself on Dromund Kass's Kass City where he claimed the Imperial Citadel for himself and revealed this fact to his father and brother, using his position as royalty and a number of his political contacts he managed to gain transportation of a number of Spaarti cloning cylinders until he had an entire underground Cloning facility, using this and the stored designs of Sith technology he began to gain a front in Sith space. Crudelis managed to discover a number of undiscovered systems and races within the Tingel Arm of the Outer Rim during the years of "banishment" from the Galactic Core, however with the capture of Darth Vader by the Rebels he was recalled back to the Empire along with his brother, the two of them have to put right the Empire before their father leads all of them to an early grave.

Personality and traits[]

I'm itching to kill something. What are we waiting for?
—Darth Crudelis to Darth Vader.

Crudelis was described as benevolent and seemed to care about his people far more so than his father ever did, Crudelis described Palpatine as a "walking corpse who didn't learn the greatest Sith lesson available" behind his back, Crudelis' care for his people was actually considered selfish as he learned that a Sith with ultimate power had both Immortality and an Empire with the best way to keep an Empire was to have both respect and fear from the people rather than just the latter.

Crudelis put himself on the front-line and would not have soldiers do something that he wouldn't do himself, this earned a respect from his soldiers similar to seen in Vader's 501st Legion, Crudelis also managed to gain the advantage of those seeking power like the Moffs or people wanting to keep their position like Tarkin. Crudelis also became fast friends with Military leaders with some talent including Grand Admirals and rising Admirals like Thrawn, skilled politicians that desired to overthrow the corrupt political system and take their power for themselves fell quickly under his banner, Crudelis however took all that with a smiling face and a serious attitude.

Wilhuff Tarkin: “Allow me to introduce myself, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Have we already met?
Darth Crudelis: “I've met a lot of people, and you particularly don't stand out.
―Darth Crudelis to Wilhuff Tarkin, when they meet at the Twentieth Empire Day Ball.

Crudelis had a pedantic attitude, malevolent and was a little crazy. He would be very gentlemanly and formal, however this changed drastically to be very direct and rude. When Crudelis was presented to Ysanne Isard at the Twentieth Empire Day Ball, he did so with respect and kindness, but when Wilhuff Tarkin was presented to Crudelis, he ignored him and then degraded him. In conflict or a tense atmosphere however, he had a very sadistic and cold demeanour. Out of the claimed children of Palpatine, he was the least caring and the most sadistic. His Half-sister, once called him a lunatic. He loved the hunt and killing, even disregarding his sister pleas and his father's rules to reach that end.

Physical Appearance[]

Darth Crudelis had dirty blond-light brown hair and cold-hard brown eyes, he stood over six feet tall and was extremely fit from his brutal training under the Sith Emperor, Crudelis and his skills on the battlefield was described as a terror second only to the terrifying tower that was Darth Vader.


Darth Crudelis' Sith lightsaber[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Darth Crudelis' Sith lightsabers (CoNs)

