Star Wars Fanon
Legacy eraPost-Legacy era

The Cult of Rin was the collective name given to a number of religious traditions on worlds in the Golden Empire which centered around or featured worship of Rin Sakaros as a deity. There was little connection among the traditions, since they arose on previously unconnected worlds, and none of them received official sanction from the Royal government. Nevertheless, the various cults were not exclusive to primitive societies, but came to include some more technologically enlightened citizens of the Empire who had seen Rin's Force powers for themselves.

Notable traditions[]


Abstalia, the first world of the Empire, was also arguably the first to show a cultlike reverence for Rin Sakaros. After she killed the Abstalian Phoenix, a feat equaled only twice before in Abstalia's history, Rin was viewed as a predestined leader, and all the tribes on the world united to submit to her. They also gave Rin her first regnal title, "Slayer of the Mighty Firebird".

After becoming accustomed to Rin's rule and reaping the technological and cultural benefits of membership in her Empire, many Abstalians began to view her not only as predestined, but divine.


After the tumultuous Battle of Feldirjo, which saw Rin personally take the field and annihilate an entire phalanx of enemy warriors single-handedly, the stunned native Ossaki took to considering Rin an avatar of their death god, Kejriko.

Kavez Massass[]

Having acquired the service of her father's Massassi at the same time she commandeered his fleet, Rin employed their services to a great extent during her early campaigns. Until the Golden Empire could train up new service personnel, Massassi made up the bulk of Rin's Army, Navy, and Starfighter Corps.

Once dozens of worlds had been recruited and the Armada no longer needed the constant presence of every Massassi fit for service, Rin gave them the previously-uninhabited world of Kavez Massass as a gift and expression of her gratitude. Since Rin had claimed the title Dark Lady of the Sith, the Massassi had already been servilely obedient to her; this unprecedented gift from a Sith overwhelmed them, and they became almost worshipfully grateful. To honor their patroness, the Massassi built the Temple of Rin on their new homeworld, and the vast majority of Massassi viewed Rin (like all Sith) as divine.


On Mandos, Rin was believed to be the goddess of the dawn. Off the world, she used the slightly more humble "Daylight of Mandos" as a title.


The Rebeyr of Sair, honoring Rin for her unification of the colonies, declared her the "Glistening Dewdrop of the Sacred Flower of Hyssylia". While the Rebeyr leaders meant this mainly as a form of high praise, many Rebeyr took it to heart and viewed Rin as a blessing from the gods, or even a god herself.


The Seers of Ufalio were an ancient, Force-sensitive sect on Ufalio. Many of their members throughout the ages had made prophecies, some of which had come true. Despite this, the Seers had become something of a backwater group, considered mystics and primitive shamans by the more "enlightened" members of their technologically modern society.

However, a Seer prophecy accurately predicted the arrival of Rin Sakaros, including such details as the people accompanying her, the color of her lightsaber, and even what she was wearing. Many of the stunned Ufali revisited the teachings of the Seers, and many of these viewed Rin as a semi-divine figure.

Rin's reaction[]

Rin Sakaros had a keen understanding of the power of awe and grandeur to build popular support; it was the basis for most of her dress, her habit of wearing a veil, and the various royal trappings she built around herself. Consequently, she took no steps to actively suppress the Cult of Rin. However, she was aware of her own mortality (if not the limits of her power), and she offered no formal recognition for any of the cults either. She would deny being divine if asked directly.

Perjorative use[]

Many beings distrusted the Order of Keltrayu, Rin's personal group of Force-using warriors. Centurions such as Vos'elk'eetash and Vem served the Empire which had conquered their respective species, while Selish Anteran, Arcantha Syr, and many others, raised in the Order rather than among their own people, exhibited personality traits or quirks which were alien or even anathema to their species in general. Among such critics, "the Cult of Rin" was sometimes used as a derogatory term for the Order itself.
