Star Wars Fanon
Alien benevolent sentients

Columi salutations.

The Columi were one of the oldest sentient species in the galaxy. There existed two mainline species: the common Columi (also known by Humans as the 'Greys'), and the dwarven Columi.

While the dwarven Columi were considered primitive and spent their time foraging and hunting on their unique homeworld, the common Columi traveled the galaxy exploring the many different worlds and experimenting on local lifeforms. Their religious views prevented them from conquering any other planet, though they were known to capture certain sentients as slaves and experimentation subjects.

The common Columi were tall, grey-colored, and capable of speaking Basic. The dwarven Columi were short with exposed brains, brown- or red-colored, and only capable of speaking a language comprised of various vibrations. The two Columi species encountered several civil wars over their long history, and by the time of the Galactic Republic's formation, the dwarven Columi were driven to extinction. Common Columi continued to thrive as a species in the Columus system well into the Imperial era, though were largely isolationist.

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