Star Wars Fanon

After the Vong conquered Coruscant, we came here. We came to like Caprania so much we decided to stay after the war was over.
—An unknown refugee

Caprania was the only inhabitable planet in the Capranian system. It was mostly a tropical planet, and was orbited by roughly four moons.



Caprania was composed of a molten metallic core with a thick, immobile crust. It had 3 major continents and hundreds of small islands. These landmasses were mostly tropical jungles with high canopies and massive mountain ranges formed during the planet’s youth.

Caprania also had seven oceans, five of which were interconnected. The latter two were landlocked polar seas on planet’s southernmost continent, only recently having been discovered due to the harsh conditions.


Caprania’s tropical jungles held an untold thousands of species, of which only a few were seen by the planet’s settlers. Among these were a type of bird resembling the whisper birds of Vavin 4, a small furry humanoid creature nicknamed “fruit stealers” by the colonists due to their tendency to steal fruit, and a small species of serpent referred to as the Capranian Snake.

People who ventured into the jungles had also reported seeing Krayt Dragon-like creatures nicknamed “Jungle Phantoms” due to their haunting wail.


New Republic Era[]

Caprania would remain undiscovered until 10 ABY, When a small team of Jedi stumbled across it after a chance hyperdrive malfunction. Shortly afterward the New Republic started sending colonists to the world, and by 23 ABY, the planet had a considerably large population.

Yuuzhan Vong war[]

During the Yuuzhan Vong war, the New Republic started sending refugees from Vong-conquered planets to Caprania. The planet would remain protected by an energy shield that only New Republic ships could brave. The invaders made at least five attempts to attack the planet, and all five times the entire force would get vaporized by the shield. The leaders of the Vong never found out why the fleets were destroyed.

Galactic Alliance era[]

After the Yuuzhan Vong war, a considerable amount of the refugees decided to remain on Caprania. Afterward, more and more people came to the planet. By 24 ABY, the planet had become one of the central hubs of the Inner rim. It also became the home of two Alliance bases, one in one of the mountain ranges and another in the Northern arctic region.

Behind the scenes[]

The planets that represent Caprania in the images are Balmorra, Aquilaris, and Earth. Caprania's diameter is one kilometer short of the equatorial radius of the real planet Uranus, which is about four times the length of Earth.
