Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era


We will never give up; we will spit in the faces of our enemy at the last moment. When all seems lost―just kill some clankers,
—Jen during the Battle of Umbara

CT-4328 nicknamed Jen was the name of a Cloning trooper corporal during the Clone Wars, the galaxy-wide conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. As a member in the famous 501st Legion, Jen would fight alongside many brothers, as well as Fives, Rex, and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, a very famous Jedi in the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic.

His main role during the Clone Wars was being an expert sniper and Biker Advanced Recon Commando co-driver. He also participated in many battles such as the victorious Battle of Umbara where he encouraged troops, currently in the rank corporal, to fight the Umbarans, as well as the equipment they had, even if it lead themselves to death.


Clone trooper corporal[]



It doesn't take courage to be a hero. It takes a hero to absorb courage to heroism.

CT-4328 was a corporal in the famed 501st Legion, being infamous in the Grand Army of the Republic but famous in a rank just under fellow Advanced Recon Commando―which he would later be promoted to―CT-27-5555 who was nicknamed "Fives" by all the fives in his CT-number. He was also one of Anakin Skywalker's most trusted troopers, as he was loyal and trustworthy. When he thought something was wrong, he'd disobey that order fearlessly, just as he did with Fives, Hardcase, and all the other clones against Pong Krell during the Battle of Umbara, who turned out to be a foe. His relationship would've been Fives, since they had so much in common, including the bravery and heroism.

Battle of Christophsis[]

During the beginning of the Clone Wars, the crystal planet of Christophsis had been under Separatist jeopardy, and the Galactic Republic had went to the planet, attempting to take it back so that the Republic could gain another foothold of the war, toward winning it. 


Jen, clone corporal of the 501st
