Star Wars Fanon

The Battle of Watsihoochie was (supposedly) a Clone Wars battle in which Klef and Tekkur had fought for the CIS. Klef claimed he had used a blaster rifle to shoot a single bullet through Anakin Skywalker's prosthetic arm, through Obi-Wan Kenobi's leg, and into the occipital lobe of Yoda's ear. Hen Sfut suspected the battle was entirely fictitious. She had never heard of a placed called "Watsihoochie." Furthermore, she pointed out that blaster rifles did not fire bullets and that ears did not contain occipital lobes.

Behind the scenes[]

The name of this battle was inspired by the real-world city of Waxahachie. The reference to getting shot in the occipital lobe was an allusion to the The Pink Panther.

