Star Wars Fanon

Behold the planet of Bastion. Our impregnable stronghold, our hideout, our future.
—Grand Moff Ardus Kaine introducing Bastion to Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Bastion was a planet in a completely uncharted region of space west of the Galactic Core. Although this area was known as Wild Space, it was technically part of the Unknown Regions. The planet was an ecumenopolis, and boasted an impressive ring system. Three moons floated in the skies of the world, two of them possessing a habitable oceanic surface.

The planet was inhabited by a primitive tribal species, until a secret Imperial expedition of the Inquisitorius stumbled across it in 18 BBY. The Imperials first built a base and then a temple, one of the Inquisitorius' headquarters. The dark influence of the structure soon corrupted the entire world, much like Byss, so Emperor Palpatine could settle Bastion with Human colonists. By 12 BBY, the whole planet was covered by urban sprawl, interrupted by fortifications and the magnificent Temple of the Inquisitors.

As it was meant to be a secret retreat in case of a crisis, its location and even its existence was highly classified. Rumors told about an Imperial planet with powerful defenses, but these only remained rumors. Due to this secrecy, the governor of the planet and the nearby Yaga Minor, Grand Moff Ardus Kaine did not learn about the events on Endor in 4 ABY, until Grand Admiral Thrawn arrived from the Unknown Regions. By that time, Bastion lost all contact with the Galactic Empire, so the Inquisitors on the planet renamed themselves the "Bastion Templars" and sought to create a theocracy.

