Star Wars Fanon

Barrel is a recurring NPC name used by "Weiss" for TheStarWarsRP.Com, especially in Star Wars Legacies, the site's fifth timeline. Barrel generally is treated like Kenny from South Park, generally dying sometime during their appearance, normally with the comment "Dammit! There goes another one."

List of Barrels[]

• A director of Lacrima • A Luminado apprentice • A Skeith Centrality cardinal • An apprentice of Geist Weiss who was killed by Lamia Kressh • A Commander of Destiny • A Grand Admiral of the New Sith Imperium • An apprentice of Varek RaythYelb'arre'luy, a Chiss under Arch'elie'lia's command • Gub'arre'lia, a Chiss working with Darth AkrasiaEin Barrel, janitor aboard the Valafar LamartineZwei Barrel, captain of the Valafar LamartineLer Rab, a communications officer aboard the Valafar LamartineMr. and Mrs. Ba'Rre'L, a couple
