Star Wars Fanon

An ambush was executed by Alliance Resistance Black Squadron against a Coalition First Order convoy, formed by Lancer-class frigate OLAN-010 and four TIE/sf fighters. T-70 X-wing fighters under Poe Dameron's command tried to surprise the enemies, which owned some important information.

Two X-wing fighters were destroyed while dogfighting with Spacial Forces counterparts, but the Resistance eliminated all TIEs anyway. Meanwhile OLAN-001 escaped at high speed, a very strange fact that made Poe suspicious. He damaged the frigate's reactors, so it couldn't make a long jump in hyperspace and was obliged to go on one of the nearest planets: Jakku.

Poe and Black Squadron followed OLAN-010 there, starting what would have become a long operation.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The ambush on OLAN-010 appears in Scenario XXXVIII of the Alliance universe.

Notes and references[]

  1. Scenario XXXVI
  2. Scenario XXXVII
  3. Scenario XXXVIII
Alliance War

Invasion of Umbara I · Battle of Takodana II · Mission to Agrais III
Battle of Agrais IV · Battle of Bentros V · Battle of Kadavo VI
Battle over Canedar VII · Attack on IGOZ-090 supply convoy VIII
Mission to Tatooine IX · Attack on Tatooine IX · Battle over Dracmos X
Invasion of Umbara XI · Battle of Etramus XII · Attack on the Lupus XIII
Battle over Etramus XIV · Invasion of Fallinas XV, XVI, XVII
Mission to Grelignac XVIII · Mission to Hotsen XIX
Battle over Jetsu XX · Battle of Ryloth XXI · Battle of Krupta XXII
Laeced uprising XXIII, XXIV · Attack near Mezinum XXV
Raid on IGOZ-184 XXVI · Laeced uprising XXVII, XXIX
Mission against IIQ-027 XXX · Skirmish on Osklar XXX
First Attack near Peithean XXXI · Battle of Quidsum Station XXXII
Mission to Krupta XXXIII · Battle of Tatooine XXXIV
Skirmish on Stalagmi Station XXXV · Mission to Jakku XXXVI, XXXVII
Ambush on OLAN-010 XXXVIII · Mission to Jakku XXXVIII, XXXIX
Invasion of Coruscant XL · Mission to Tachmani XLI
Mission to IIMP-066 XLII · Second Attack near Peithean XLIII
Rescue over Tachmani XLIV · Invasion of Coruscant XLV
Mission to Uscur XLVI · Battle of Vitera Station XLVII, XLVIII
Mission to Waliong XLIX · Battle of Kamino L
Battle of Xa'kurp LI, LII, LIII · Invasion of Fallinas LIV
Battle of Ysaar LV, LVI, LVII · Skirmish on Zatner LVIII
Battle of Zatner LIX, LX · Mission to Artimalia LXI
Invasion of Umbara LXII, LXIII · Mission to the Mariner LXIV
Battle of Citrosis LXV · Invasion of Dimor LXVI, LXVII
Battle of Ryloth LXVIII · Mission to Fessern LXIX
Battle of Ereidu LXX · First Battle over Hiplon LXXI
Battle of Kludis LXXII · Invasion of Coruscant LXXIII
Attack over Lopset LXXIV · Battle of Ispann LXXV
Battle of Moscrov LXXVI · Battle of Ressin LXXVII
Battle of Nupse LXXVIII · Raid on Optori LXXIX
Raid on Posk Station LXXX · Mission to Quevir LXXXI
Battle of Quevir LXXXII, LXXXIII
Attack on Rasino asteroid field LXXXIV · Battle of Quevir LXXXV
Mission to Spodir LXXXVI · Mission to Tombscot LXXXVII
Battle of Fessern LXXXVIII · Mission to Valdemar LXXXIX
Mission to Wooksa LXXXIX · Battle of Wooksa XC
Battle of Valdemar XCI · Laeced uprising XCII
Raid on IGOZ-125 XCIII · Mission to Harenz XCIV
Mission to Jokel XCV · Battle of Keval XCVI
Battle of Laderook XCVII · Mission to Monsad XCVIII
Battle over Nadder XCIX · Battle of Peldor C · Battle of Quorm CI
Mission to Redevi CII · Battle of Saccun CIII
Mission to Ubanish CIV · Raid over Virgs CV
Mission to Voldrad CVI

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Light Alliance · Dark Coalition · Alliance universe
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