Star Wars Fanon
NGW eraReal-world article

Against the Pirates is the first of a trilogy of novellas being written by Thimm Nuruodo. The three books focus on the anti-piracy campaign led by the Galactic Federation Triumvirate since 247 ABY.

Publisher's summary[]

Against the Pirates
''The galaxy is in a dark period. Although it's a relative peaceful era, new menaces are threatening the security offered by the Galactic Federation Triumvirate: pirate gangs, hungry for riches and power, hit the population of many planets with their terrible raids that rarely leave survivors.''

''But it's in dark periods that heroes emerge, giving hope and security to the peoples hit and fighting against the evil enemies without fearing the death...''

Plot summary[]

Koro Shimti is doing the guard on the transport Naboo Grassland when a group of pirates boards it. Koro and his friend Haldo immediately try to repulse the attack, killing some Trandoshan pirates until they arrive to the command bridge. There, Haldo sacrifices himself, killing with him the pirate reinforcements before they manage to shoot Koro. The soldier instead, once arrived in the bridge, finds a Duros pirate aiming to the Naboo Grassland captain, Izidor. Koro kills the enemy, saving so his commander, and asking help to the Naboo he managed to save the ship.

After the skirmish, Koro travels to Coruscant, where he talks with the Triumvir Druson. The admiral, using the informations given by Koro, realizes that under the last pirate raids there is a Duros plot. So Druson founds a team, the Cloak Squad, which has the task of investigate on Duros about this possible conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Sakrask, the leader of the pirates who attacked the Naboo Grassland, is aboard the Nestoman pirates' headquarter, the cruiser Black Iron. There, the Trandoshan pirate asks Nestoman to join his gang, due to the losses caused by the last boarding. But while speaking a communications from Malastare arrives in the ship, and after a request by one of his captains, Nestoman heads to the planet to rescue his men being pursued by Triumvirate's frigates. However, this happening has been anticipated by Sakrask, who had learned about the presence of two CF100 frigates in Malastare system thanks to an information broker, Ala Kraan.


  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5


By type 
Characters Creatures Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea




  • Malastare system
    • Malastare
    • Shodella (First appearance)
  • Naboo
    • Theed 
      • Theed Royal Spaceport
        • External Platform 3 (First appearance)
  • Coruscant
    • Coruscant Underworld 
      • Understreet 39 (First appearance)
    • Krath Spaceport (First mentioned)
    • Low City Detention Center (First appearance)
    • Triumviri apartments (First appearance)

Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Behind the scenes[]

The author, Thimm Nuruodo, stopped writing his current work, Solo's Inheritance, because he thought that it was better to deepen the anti-piracy campaign. He started writing the novella on January 4th, 2013.

The italian writing ended on January 12th, 2014. Later, Nuruodo started a revision and a tradition of the novella.

Actually, the novella has been published on, an italian SW site, and on [

Rise of Pirates
Druson · Letho Elemonna · Haldo · Koro Shimti
Dol Kipti · Meidro · Nestoman · Sakrask
Minor characters
Tar Bone · Izidor · Ala Kraan · Jassa Shimti
Cloak Squad · Galactic Federation Triumvirate · Galactic Supplies Deployments
Nestoman pirates · Ohnaka pirates · Sakrask pirates · Yamill gang
Black Iron · Bloodthirsty · Naboo Grassland
Battle of the Low City Detenction Center · Battle over Malastare
Skirmish aboard the Naboo Grassland
Against the Pirates · Union and Strike · Injustices

Project New Galactic Wars works
Rise of Pirates
Novellas: Against the Pirates · Union and Strike · Injustices
Standalone works
Novellas: A Pure Neimoidian · New Wars · The Man Whose Life Changed
Anthologies: Menace from the Dark Side